Data Uploader / Data Shuttle??

Hammermill21 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 06/14/22 in Add Ons and Integrations


Anyone else having trouble with Data Uploader (Data Shuttle??)? My uploads are not working at all no matter what I try.



  • Yes - we are having issues too. It would never recognize our Source Sheet / find attachment when I was setting to use the most "recent" attachment. Once I switched to "Name" and typed the full name out, then I could see the option to select if there are headers for the xlsx file and which row/tab the data begins on.

    Then I could select to map my columns too, but not when it was set to Recent.

  • I have been battling for two hours with this. The problems always occurred when I came to the mapping step, where I was told I hadn't selected a source. In the end I realised that my .xlsx file contained two worksheets. Once I deleted the one I didn't need, everything worked.

  • Hammermill21
    Hammermill21 ✭✭✭✭✭

    My problem is a little different, it's not uploading my target sheet and not adding rows to the target sheet as they are added to the source sheet. I've been back and forth with support. They are telling me to use replace instead of merge but I can't just replace all my data because my team is updating rows as data comes in. Super annoying.

  • We are having the same issue today. Our uploads are not mapping over columns. It keeps giving us an error message. Was anyone able to fix the issue?

    Thank you,


  • Meredith Luschen
    Meredith Luschen ✭✭✭✭

    I'm having the same issue! Uploads are failing. Timeout exceeded and deleteAllRows failed. Please help!

  • Hammermill21
    Hammermill21 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Same here, I just opened a ticket with Smartsheet. The workflows were working earlier today and now they are not.

  • Hi all,

    If you haven't already, please contact Smartsheet Support like @Hammermill21 did, providing them with as much information as possible so we can look into each of your issues.

    Helpful details include the following:

    • Browsers you've tested and if it happens on multiple networks
    • Email address to the user who owns the workflows
    • Screenshots of each page of the workflow setup
    • Error Verbatim or screen capture
    • Smartsheet sheet unique name or URL
    • A copy of the file you're having trouble with (file type / size)
    • Timestamp of the last time you encountered the issue
    • Was this working before? If so, when?
    • A copy of the workflow run log (click the Last Run date > upper-right menu icon > Save run log.)
    • Downloaded Activity Log from the source and target sheets

    In the meantime, you may also want to review the Tips and Best Practices for Data Shuttle in case that helps.

    Thank you!


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