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Triggering an email when a subset of tasks are complete.

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have a parent task and 3 subtasks.  When the Done checkbox is checked on the three subtasks I would like to send an email.   How can I trigger this email?


  • Set the formula for the summary row to tell you if all the children are checked:

    =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN()) = COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), true), true, false)

    Now create your notification. Choose when there are changes in specific columns (see attached).

    Then create it to trigger when the done column changes to true

    Then filter the condition to when the primary column is the parent in question. (See attached)



    Changes in specific columns.png

    Parent done notification.png

  • Adam,  I have applied your solution.   With the formula in the parent (Update TVs) if all children are checked the Done box shows checked at the parent level.

    I also setup the notification.  Thank you for the clear instruction.  However, I am not receiving any notification to the email address specified.

    I am testing this by unchecking the children and then rechecking them.   Again once they are all checked the parent is checked but no email is received.

    Any ideas?


  • You won't receive notifications for changes you've made in the sheet unless you've set that option in your account settings. Details on this are in our Help Center: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/542904-using-notifications#own_change

  • Thanks Shaine.  That did the trick

This discussion has been closed.