Formulas for % Allocation in Resource Manager

Is it possible to use a formula to generate a percentage in a % Allocation column for use in the Project Resource Manager? Or does a percentage have to be manually entered into the % Allocation column?

I've done quite a bit of research on it and haven't found a straight answer yet, but it seems as though having a formula populating the percentage renders the Resource Manager useless. I have tried using per cell formulas and column formulas. Both seem to prevent the tool's usage.

I appreciate the feedback, in advance.

Deanna Bowman

Best Answer


  • Krissia B.
    Krissia B. Moderator

    Hello @Deanna Bowman ,

    Upon further review on this, Im unable to fully confirm this scenario. I'll need additional information on this. May you provide us as a screenshot of the setup you have and anymore details on this? (please block out any sensitive data)





  • @Krissia Thank you for being willing to look into this more. I have attached some screen shots.

    You can see that when I manually type percentages in the Role Ranking % column (which is set as the % Allocation column under Resource Management in Project Settings), the Project Resource View works as expected. You can easily see the % capacity of each person in the Assignee Column, as well as see the little red alert on the left when someone is over 100% capacity.

    However, when I use a formula to populate the percentages in the Role Ranking % column, the Project Resource View ceases to function. This is the formula I used to auto-populate the percentage based on the role of the assignee: =IF(Role@row = "SME", "50%", IF(Role@row = "CR", "30%", IF(Role@row = "AL", "20%"))).

    Since the end result in the Role Ranking % column is the same, whether manually typed or auto filled by a formula, I don't see why the Project Resource View doesn't work when a formula is in use.

    Does this provide you with the context you need to investigate further?



  • Krissia B.
    Krissia B. Moderator

    Hello @Deanna Bowman ,

    Of course, you're welcome. Thank you providing additional information. Upon reviewing this, I edited your formula to make it where your percentages are in decimals. Percents in formulas should be represented as decimals in order to be recognized as numbers (versus “in quotes” which will make it a text) See more below for reference.

    =IF(Role@row = "SME", 0.5, IF(Role@row = "CR", 0.3, IF(Role@row = "AL", 0.3))) Once you entered in the formula & it has the decimal values. You want to click the icon i highlighted in yellow.

    You can then select the whole column to convert those decimal values into percent.

    Let me know if this works! Check out the link below for more information on this topic.



  • Deanna Bowman
    Deanna Bowman ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Krissia Oh my goodness. Such a simple solution. I can't believe I didn't figure that out. Thanks so much for your help :). Everything is working perfectly now.


    Deanna Bowman