Update dropdown using Data Shuttle without Excel?

Jeana ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 06/14/22 in Add Ons and Integrations

Is there a way to pull the contents for a dropdown update from another Smartsheet? We would rather not use Excel files for this process.




  • Kelly Drake
    Kelly Drake Overachievers Alumni

    YES!! I just did a solution for exactly this!

    Set up

    Sheet 1: List of Projects (Topline sheet)

    Sheet 2: Team members deployment/staffing that has a dropdown that needs to match the Active projects on Sheet 1.

    Solution - 2 Data Shuttle workflows. One Offload to Smartsheet Attachment. One Upload from Smartsheet attachment.

    I set up a Data Shuttle Offload workflow that exports all of Sheet 1/Topline sheet to a csv Smartsheet attachment. I have it drop the attachment on my Project & Demployment Sheet. I scheduled this to run once a day.

    Then I have an Uploader workflow on the project sheet that runs on attachment and I selected the

    And I only have the dropdown column mapped.

    Something to note - the dropdown will update but it will be in the exact order that is exported so if keeping things in alphabetical order is important for your team you may need to confirm its sorted as you want it to be.

    Kelly Drake (she/her/hers)

    STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY| business optimization product manager

  • Jeana
    Jeana ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Kelly Drake

    Thanks for your reply Kelly. I just tried this and I'm getting a message that says my Offloaded file isn't the right format. I tried both CSV and Excel formats and it's exporting but the file but it's not an Excel file. Any idea?
