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Date-based RYGB balls automation

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


For the past couple of days, I have been trying to automate my RYGB balls based on Target End Date and Actual End Date columns.  I've been reading this article, but I cannot seem to get the formula right.

These are the conditions I am trying to satisfy:

  • BLUE = if the Target End Date cell and Actual End Date cell are blank
  • RED = if the Actual End Date cell is blank and the Target End Date cell is today or past the specified Target End Date
  • YELLOW = if the Actual End Date cell is blank and the Target End Date cell is within 3 days
  • GREEN = if there is a date in the Actual End Date cell

This is the formula for row 3 I am using right now, and I get an "#INVALID DATA TYPE" error.

=IF(ISBLANK(AND([Target End Date]3, [Actual End Date]3)), "Blue", IF(AND(ISBLANK([Actual End Date]3), TODAY() - [Target End Date]3 >= 0), "Red", IF(AND(ISBLANK([Actual End Date]3), TODAY() - [Target End Date]3 >= -3), "Yellow", IF(ISDATE([Actual End Date]3), "Green"))))

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!  Suggestions on how to simplify this would be much appreciated as well!

Thank you!


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