Record a Dynamic Date

Hi there ;

İ would like to get your advices about below issue ;

I want to set a workflow that system will remind a row every 15 th day each month.

but it will be dynamic , i mean if i am in october system will show in this cell 15.10.2021 , if i am in november system will show in the cell 15.11.2021 etc .

İ think i need to create a formula in a cell then i can set a workflow via that date cell.

Could you pls help to create this formula

Thanks in advance for your kind replies


Best Answer

  • RevTechWC
    RevTechWC ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    "Repeats Every" is the interval of how many months until the action repeats. A value of "1" means that it occurs on the 15th of every month. A value of "2" would run on the 15th every other month, a value of "12" would run once a year.

    If you wanted this to run for 10 years, then under the "End" section, you could choose the end date, or end after 120 occurrences.


  • RevTechWC
    RevTechWC ✭✭✭

    You should be able to do this using a custom workflow trigger without needing to create a dynamic date field.

    Create a workflow to send a notification to the group you want to issue a reminder for. Set the trigger to run "When a date is reached". Clock on the drop down arrow next to "Run Once" and choose "Custom" You can then set the workflow to run every 1 Month on the 15th Day.

  • Automatic Mail
    Automatic Mail ✭✭✭✭✭

    thank you @RevTechWC ;

    i would like to ask that on your sample picture "repeat every " ..... month section means that how many month this workflow will repeat ? if i will write in this section 120 , then it means 10 years that workflow will work ?

  • RevTechWC
    RevTechWC ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    "Repeats Every" is the interval of how many months until the action repeats. A value of "1" means that it occurs on the 15th of every month. A value of "2" would run on the 15th every other month, a value of "12" would run once a year.

    If you wanted this to run for 10 years, then under the "End" section, you could choose the end date, or end after 120 occurrences.

  • Automatic Mail
    Automatic Mail ✭✭✭✭✭

    thank you very much @RevTechWC for this information.