Proofing - Packaging PDFs load without transparency

M38a1 ✭✭✭✭

My team is using Smartsheet to proof a set of packaging. The files come from an external company so I don't know the exact method that they are using to create the PDFs. The files look fine when opened in Adobe Acrobat but lose the transparent layers when they are imported into Smartsheet. As an example, the drop shadow around the product no longer fades to the edge. It is now a solid color with a hard edge.

Any thoughts on what might cause this issue?


Best Answer

  • Devin Lee
    Devin Lee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Transparency layers can't be displayed in some cases based on software. They are likely exporting it from a design program into a PDF which saves the transparency as a formula on a separate layer instead of pixels on a single layer. Convert the PDF into a JPEG and then back into a PDF. This will raster the image and the transparency should be visible in Smartsheet.


  • Devin Lee
    Devin Lee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Transparency layers can't be displayed in some cases based on software. They are likely exporting it from a design program into a PDF which saves the transparency as a formula on a separate layer instead of pixels on a single layer. Convert the PDF into a JPEG and then back into a PDF. This will raster the image and the transparency should be visible in Smartsheet.

  • M38a1
    M38a1 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Devin - That makes things a lot clearer! I'll ask the designers to export as a JPEG instead of a editable PDF.