I was looking for this thread for so long.
We need folder-level permissions instead of only workspace-level and sheet-level permissions.
My department has several teams who own a folder each. So, giving access to a set number of users in a folder is easier than giving them all sheet-level access one by one.
Sowmya Venugopal
I think I've submitted this before, and reiterate/echo: this is an urgently needed feature. Being able to better manage users by groups and provide access to folders is critical for project work.
So this issue needs to be revisited. Because I share a workspace does not mean I want to share everything in that workspace with an individual. Nor does it mean I want to share everything in every folder under that workspace. As I see it now, I'd have to add individual sharing at the sheet level to control this, not the workspace level.
Say I have projects (folders) A, B and C in Workspace 1.
I share Workspace 1 with Joe as "Editor - Can Share" because the majority of projects in there I want him to have access to. I then change his share level to commenter in ONE worksheet in project C and I get the message doing this will change his sharing for the workspace? That's not how inherited permissions work in the real world and is a problem with Smartsheet. Smartsheet says this can be done by sharing at the sheet level. I don't have time to do hundreds of sheets in tens of folders when 90% of the sharing permissions Joe should have would be the same. It's easier to do it initially at the workspace level and remove (or change) permissions at the sheet level without interfering with other projects.
I just had someone remove almost all permissions for every project for everyone at our company by changing a single sheet sharing level.
This is enough of an issue to cause us to look for an alternate solution.
If for some system architectural reason, Smartsheet folders cannot be granted individual permissions and this remains the preserve of Workspaces only, could we AT LEAST have the ability to group workspaces or create sub-workspaces and manage permissions at the parent level, with either the ability to share/inherit permissions (by default), or break permissions inheritance if required – Microsoft SharePoint has been doing this for years.
Adrian Mandile
CHESS Consulting Australia - Smartsheet Solution Provider Gold Partner
Collaborative | Holistic | Effective | Systems | Solutions
I'm not sure if this falls along the same theme of this thread, but I somehow got into an issue where the owner of the Smartsheet license is not aware of new workspaces and folders I create, unless I add them myself, even though they're the owner of the license being used. Is that normal? (I'm just a beginner at this btw)
This would very helpful. I would also like the ability to copy-and-paste an entire folder, instead of item-by-item.
Please make this happen! This is the biggtest challenge for us. Working with SS consultants, we are told not to create workspaces for each client, however, the lack of folder level security, or even to be able to multi-select sheets at a time to share with the same permissions is a huge security risk for us!
I second this! We have a workspace with all of our department information, then folders for projects, programs, budget intake, and many other efforts. It would be great to only give our staff permissions to certain efforts without editing the share permissions for each individual item. Likewise, the organization itself would be a lifesaver if I could share multiple items that were already structured in a folder for my end users.
Being able to select multiple items in the workspace and "bulk-editing" the permissions would be a great intermediary step, as well.
We would also love to see this feature happen. We have several sub-departments that don't need access to other department's data but do need access to folders for that department.
Any updates on this functionality? It's been a year since Smartsheet has updated on this...
You could do it through API most likely. I am going to work on that.
Hello -- I echo the need for folder-based permissions. We have an onboarding workspace which many people need to access. However, we need to be able to lock out folders from certain reports -- which we cannot do now. I hope this is a new feature to come very soon! We love SS, and will move more and more of our business management processes to it, if we can get the right permission structure with workspaces and folders. Thanks!
That would be awesome. Please implement that Smartsheet!
I have seen this posted before, but still cannot do it. It would be great if we could have folder level permissions in addition to Workplace level permissions. We have multiple folders that should not have admin access for everyone in the workspace, but other folders should. We cannot refine permissions enough for this to happen without creating a ridiculous amount of Workspaces to allow proper access.
Piling on to agree with this being a needed function. Its a ridiculous amount of work to have to share things as individual sheets or dashboards and only other solution is to have a ridiculous number of workspaces. Either way creates entirely too much work. Hopefully Smartsheet can add this function in the near future. We are getting to a point where I need a full time FTE just to manage workspaces and access levels.