Data Over Time Report/Dashboard



What steps should I take in creating a dashboard that includes a graph displaying data over time? I would love to be able to click on each data point and a pop up of that data point displays information during that time period.

Here is an example of something I would like to create in Smartsheets


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You would need to create a table where the dates you want to plot against are in one column and then your numbers you want to actually plot are in another column.

  • Ashley B.

    Thank you for your response Paul. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of linking a report and the graph automatically showing the fluctuations within a time period, like within a month's time.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You could create a report, but the data would still have to be the same structure. Do you have a screenshot you can share of the source data?

  • Ashley B.

    Hi Paul,

    Here is a screenshot of the data source

  • dylanchaney
    dylanchaney ✭✭
    edited 12/21/23

    You have to use a combination of helper columns and the MID function on a separate sheet. I named my separate sheet "CIM's Over Time".

    I have my columns set up to capture the following info for Construction Impact Messages (CIM):

    • [Column Name], description, formula
    • [Today's Date], date of CIM submission, data from my form
    • [Months], month of CIM submission (in number format), using =MONTH([Today's Date]1) and copied to all relevant rows
    • [CIM Month], 3 digit month as "MMM", using =MID("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec", ([Months]1 * 3) - 2, 3)

    I made my first column the month format I want to display on my chart and then made my second column a count of all the same months in my [CIM Month] column and matched it against my [Month Abbrv.] column using =COUNTIF([CIM Month]:[CIM Month], [Month Abbrv.]1).

    This gave me a count of how many CIMs I had during a given month and gave me my parseable data chart.