Automation workflows


I have set up a Request for approval automated workflow which is great. I then needed an automated work flow for an action and/or a decision. So I set that up by using the same request for approval automated work flow.

In the email that the Owner who needs to carry out the action or decision receives it says 'status - FOR APPROVAL' which could be confusing as it is not an approval, it is an action or decision. See example.

Is it possible for me to edit the status to say 'FOR ACTION'/'FOR APPROVAL'?


  • Amit Wadhwani
    Amit Wadhwani Community Champion

    Hi @Emily S

    This is actually coming from your sheet. In your sheet, the status is set to "For Approval" and the approval automation is sending out the same value in the email. You can change the trigger in your sheet so that when the status changes to "For Action", this second approval request is triggered. You can also use the update request feature instead if that helps.

    I will be curious to know the exact use case and propose a concrete solution.



    Best Regards
    Amit Wadhwani
    , Smartsheet Community Champion
    Smartsheet CoE, Ignatiuz, Inc., Exton, PA

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  • Emily S
    Emily S ✭✭

    Thanks, Amit. I was thinking the same thing. When I checked the status in the sheet it said 'For action'. I think it could have been because I duplicated the workflow from the original approval request. As I have now created the request from scratch and it is working.

    We are using the automated workflow to seek approvals and decisions and prompt actions. Once the action, decision or approval has been made the project lead is notified and we have a record of the approval/decision or action.

    Open to other solutions if you have one :).
