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Form Automation - count option to select how many rows should be added

MichaelTCA Community Champion

There should be a count option within a form to select how many rows should be added.

I have a form that adds rows to a sheet with an auto-generating number system. It would be very nice to be able to select the rows within the form instead of using a backdoor with an extra "helper" sheet.

My form will require the same information for each row except the auto-generated number.

2 votes

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  • I think a useful feature could be to have the capability to generate multiple grouped rows based on one form submission.

    For instance, if utilizing 'allow multiple selections' in a form, to have a toggle for 'create new row for each selection' rather than having multiple selections grouped in one cell after the form is submitted. These rows should all be automatically grouped under one parent row for ease of use.

    This would be immensely helpful for my workflow regarding sample submission for my team. Let me know what you think!