Using App to Schedule Resource


I am using Smartsheet to create a calendar system for reservation of a shared resource. So far, I have not been able to find a way to add TIMES to Smartsheet so more than one person can schedule the same resource on the same day, during different time slots. Can you help?

Furthermore, these resources are occasionally reserved "overnight". In that case, the "return time" may be on a different day than the "pickup time". How can I set up a sheet that allows a user to reserve the resource in advance for "4PM on October 3 until 8am on October 5"?

I also need a way to set up recurring appointments. If a user requires the resource from 8am to noon every other Tuesday, how can I design a form to allow them to do this?


  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator

    Hi @Lisa K Banks,

    At the moment, Smartsheet doesn't have a direct way of tracking or calculating time in sheets, if you'd like to request this functionality, when you have a moment, please let our Product team know about your feedback by filling in this form, here. Thank you!

    For now, you may find this post by Paul Newcome most helpful if you'd like to perform calculations with time.

    For your solution, there are a few adjustments that you could do to help you achieve what you intend:

    • As explained here, the Primary Column in your sheet will always display its text on the relevant calendar bar, this could prove quite helpful to display the specific time each slot was booked when these are booked in the same day as in my example below:

    Note that I've added a column formula that will auto populate values in the Primary Column (Start time) using the values in the actual Start and End time columns.

    If a resource would need to book the slot for multiple days, they may simply insert a different end date and that would expand the slot for as many selected days on the calendar.

    If you wish to enable users to submit multiple requests at once, you can also set the "What should happen after form is submitted" section in your Form to "Reload the same form for another entry:" and add some explanatory text indicating what to do next.

    I hope that these tips can be of help but if you need more specific advise about your own solution, please make sure to include some screenshots where any sensitive information has been hidden. 



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