Add Ons and Integrations

Add Ons and Integrations

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Summary Sheet Not Connecting to Correct Column

I have a summary sheet set up for my projects, which is connected to a metadata sheet I have. In the metadata sheet, I have column types for different types of data (contact, text/number, date, etc). In my summary sheet, the columns that should be looking at the text/number column for data are looking at the contact column instead and I'm unsure of how to fix this.

I had thought this was working correctly at first and I did move the column order at one point in the metadata sheet, so unsure if that caused the issue?

I tried removing the summary sheet from the blueprint and reconnecting but that did not work. Hoping to not create an entirely new summary sheet as I have other metrics sheets that have cross sheet references to this one, but may have to.

Ideas and recommendations welcome!


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