Email Notification - Limits to Columns in Message?

Courtney Collier
Courtney Collier ✭✭✭✭
edited 01/09/23 in Smartsheet Basics

Our clinic managers perform a monthly Joint Commission readiness walk-through for each clinic (approx 125). I have built a form for them to document their results for each question - Compliant vs. Non-Compliant. When setting up a email notification to send the results to the regional directors, there seems to be a limitation to the # of columns to include in the notification. I still have 39 more columns to include. There are roughly 140 columns I need to include. I have been unable to find a work around. Reaching out to confirm that there are limitations and to get some advice on workarounds. The goal is for the regional directors to receive the results of the walk-throughs for each of their clinics when a walk-through is documented using the form. Thanks for reviewing.
