Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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How to set a formula for 3 different values to prevent any duplication

Hello Everyone,

I hope all are doing well.

I'm facing an issue to find the suitable formula to my case taking into consideration i'm a newbie here in smartsheet and would appreciate your kind support.

The formula i'm looking for is targeting 3 main columns : Start Date, End Date & Facilitator.

To assure that if a duplication found (if a facilitator has been assigned to the same start and end dates) to mark the Health column as red. Otherwise, to mark it as green.

Plus : The formula which i'll be trying will be placed the same for the 2 other different parts. And will only be added to the "4 Day Workshop + 1 Day Reinforcement ..etc) as per the below picture.

Thank you and looking forward to your valuable support.

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