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The new Smartsheet experience



  • Hello, I would have to agree with the comments listed, this new UX has hampered our workflow and slowed down my teams daily tasks. While I appreciate your response to this forum, none of the suggestions will get us back to where we were. Add one more vote for the classic layout option. Thx

  • Employee
    edited 04/21/21

    @Ashley Ryder, @Chris Reed, @arkitektur, @Jason Koscinski, @Jeff Bruce, @lhadduck, @User45678, @alano10, @Miles Allison, @Susan B Peck, @LanceAlbanese, @Robin Summers, @Nathan Gonzalez, @Brian Millet, @Steve Schmidt, @Andy Mirza, @Cody_Turpin, @AKunce, @Sue Hill, @Beth O, @Dan Talley, @andri witana, @Srinivasan Sankaran, @Sean Stran, @Stefan, @ker9, @Yechiel Binet, @Ryan W, @Tracy Ostapa (GroupeX), @Beth Tiggelaar, @A01-TT, @Patti Farr, @Michael1115, @Amy Keach, @Lee Carr, @Cody Holmes, @Kyle Contorno

    Hello All, Thanks so much for your valuable feedback. I wanted to make sure you saw Brendan's response. Please note that he will be working to reach out to you all individually to further discuss any questions or concerns. Please keep an eye out for his response in your private inbox within Community.


    Maxwell from Smartsheet

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Maxwell Griffith, @Brendan Reed - thank you for responding publicly to the forum. We haven't seen much of that from Smartsheet in recent years after major UX or feature changes, so kudos for you.

    I'll look forward to receiving the private response. Already I've put together some screenshots for improving the look and reducing the space used by the interface changes. I won't post them here, out of respect to your request above, but I do hope you will listen to those of use who use Smartsheet daily, are responsible for many other Smartsheet users, and have participated in the Smartsheet forum regularly for years. Perhaps some of us missed the invitation to become an EAP or perhaps we were too busy with our real jobs. We rely on Smartsheet as a tool and to have that tool radically changed is a bit of a shock.

    Thank you again for responding to the feedback you've received here.

    Best regards,


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