Formula to calculate difference between projected and actual dates


I have a project schedule where I have projected and actual dates for most of the deliverables, and I need to track the faster project path. Is there a formula that can automatically select the earlier date between the projected submit date and actual submit date? Is there a formula that will automatically select the earlier date between the projected submit date and the actual submit date?


  • Jeff Reisman
    Jeff Reisman ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    =IF(AND(ISDATE([Construction Documents Complete Projected]@row), ISDATE([Construction Documents Complete Actual]@row)), IF([Construction Documents Complete Projected]@row < [Construction Documents Complete Actual]@row, [Construction Documents Complete Projected]@row, [Construction Documents Complete Actual]@row), "")

    The logic here is: IF both fields on a row contain dates, then evaluate if the projected date is earlier than the actual date. If it is earlier, give me the projected date; otherwise give me the actual date. If both fields are not date values, just leave this cell blank.


    Jeff Reisman

    Link: Smartsheet Functions Help Pages Link: Smartsheet Formula Error Messages

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