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[Feature Request] Tag people in comment / discussion



  • Daniel Stein

    Thanks all for checking in! We are still targeting the second half of 2017 for enhancements to this area, so please stay tuned. In the meantime, it is always helpful to us to hear about how specifically you would like to use enhanced Comments, @mentions, and related Communications features. Please feel free to add your scenarios here! 

    We may also reach out to folks on this thread to give early feedback on these features as we develop them.

    Best regards,


    Product Manager

  • mh

    Hi Daniel

    Any thoughts on when in the second half of 2017 this will be ready?  My organization is considering switching to SmartSheets, but without this feature likely won't.  Use case, as discussed above is, that you want to be able to ask someone a question, by simply @mentioning them and have it generate an email, to which they can respond and have the response recorded in the comments.  See any google doc for example.


    @Daniel When will this feature be ready?


    It would also be nice if each task line had a unique email address, so that you could forward emails to be saved as a comment along with the associated task

  • Paul Watson

    I would like to use this feature to alert someone to a comment on a task/row/card that is relevant to them. It would be great if they then received an email with the comment and a link to the item on the sheet.

  • Daniel Stein

    Hi mh,

    Thanks for the question. We don't yet have a specific ETA for @mention ability, but I expect this would arrive around the end of the year. We'll have a better estimate as we get closer.

    In the meantime, if you haven't already I would recommend checking out our improved sheet notifications (released in March) to address some of these scenarios, e.g., automatically notify someone when an item is assigned to them, when status updates to certain values, etc. A combination of notifications, Update Requests, and Send Row can accomplish many of these scenarios -- though we definitely agree that @mentions will also be a valuable tool.

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,


  • Si Spence
    Si Spence ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    +1000 completely agree.

  • Si Spence
    Si Spence ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Daniel,  Discussions are a dead feature for us right now, but we could be heavy users if landed right and we are exciting to see what you come up with.  Thanks for all your hard work and for listening to the community.

  • Si Spence
    Si Spence ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Daniel, just to be clear, this is an INvaluable function,  not just valuable.  Arguably one of the basics that is still not in place and is by far the biggest shortcoming of SS.

    This is not a 'nice to have' function.  It is critical

    I know that this is being worked on...but users really need this now.  If you are looking for beta testers then my company would love to trial.


  • lzimmerman

    I think we can safely say we are in the second half of 2017! Even the end of the year... what's the status of this feature?

    Our team would use it to alert certain members of the team to any specific questions or comments relating to that row's item. For example, on a to-do list an item may be assigned to me; but before I can complete it, I need a coworker to answer a simple question. I would like to add a comment to that item, asking them the question. If they aren't able to get a notification, they won't know it's there. It's important to target individual users, because we don't want the whole team to be getting notifications for questions that have nothing to do with them. 

  • Daniel Stein

    Thanks for checking in and for sharing your use cases -- definitely makes sense. We are currently looking at H1 of 2018 for this feature.

    Best regards,


  • Any update on this? This is one of the main areas that is hindering collaboration right now for me in Smartsheets.

    If I can also search the threads that have @mentions and if @mentions like Asana and Quora can include other items that would be ideal

  • altolentino

    Is 1H 2018 still the ETA for this @tag feature? This is essential to using Smartsheet as a fully collaborative tool.

  • Bethany Lansing

    Is this @mention feature available yet?



  • Daniel Stein

    Thank you for checking in. @mentions are not yet available, and delivery will take at least a few months. We'll have a better idea of the delivery date as we get closer.

    In the meantime, I'd encourage you to check out our notifications feature, which allows you to customize the kinds of automatic notifications you'd like team members to receive, including notifications when comments are added or changed.



  • Si Spence
    Si Spence ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Daniel, good to hear about @mentions...I dont’t imagine for a second that this development/implement is simple, and yet it will be a huge step-up by SS and will transform the app. 

    We are heavy users of notifications and as good as the recent changes have been they remain a blunt instrument. @mentions, if done correctly, with infinite chat threads allowable against any one row, will transform and improve beyond recognition how SS is perceived by series users. Pleeeeease don’t launch a half baked version of @mention as you have with charts...it’ll just cause more frustration in the community.

    Once @mentions are in place I can switch my guns on SS to introduce the desperately needed ‘base line’ functionality on Gannts :)

    thanks SS 

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