Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Adding Images in Form Body and Descriptions

Currently, I am using Google form to capture responses because of the easy creation logic using section builder and adding images to the questions.

It would be great if the smartsheet form had the same capability as google form with easy creation of logical questions by adding images with the questions.

128 votes

On Wishlist · Last Updated



  • Hi @Thirukumaran, thanks for sharing this request! I'd love to learn more about the specific limitations you're encountering. If you'd be willing to set up time, it would really help us better understand what we should prioritize (set up time with this link: Thanks again. Your feedback plays a big role in shaping our decisions for the future.

  • @Scott Tewel Tried to schedule but not happened due to timing overlap. can you send questions to my account, so I can elaborate?

  • ✭✭
    edited 09/12/22

    Please can you look at adding the above feature to smartsheets forms so that checklists forms that need a little extra guidance (picture is worth 1000 words in some instances) are able to have a supportive image inserted (like Google forms & others).

    Many thanks


  • Just sent you a follow up.

  • My team would love to be able to utilize a Smartsheet form for a quiz/test that we send to our staff for completion, but this particular test would require being able to utilize images and then staff would choose the correct descriptor from the dropdown. I think it would look much like a google quiz, however it would automatically submit to Smartsheet where we are tracking all education. Thanks for considering!

  • Community Champion

    @Scott Tewel are there any updates on this often requested functionality? Almost every form builder out there has the capability to embed an image in the body of the form.

  • ✭✭

    I use smartsheets as a training tool. I am looking to add a picture to the description of a multiple choice question. A simple version of this is the question would say "Which animal is this?" then have a picture of a dog, and the drop down responses as: cat, dog, horse, bunny.

    In other words, the question and responses are still in text form, but a picture can be displayed with an individual question

  • ✭✭✭✭

    It would be great to be able to add images within a form. We have forms that are used for ordering items and it would be great to be able to include an image of the item on the form, similar to a heading component.

  • I would like to be able to add photos to enhance my form and break it up some more.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    I would like to place images within Forms. I have some informative graphics (charts) that would help applicants/customers answer form questions. Instead, I need to provide a link to another webpage in order to provide the necessary information to answer the questions. I'm dealing with applicants that are not computer/tech savvy, so any additional steps could be a huge hinderance to their success. They are applying for low-income housing through a non-profit, so anything that can be done to help with their success is very important.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/29/23

    Great idea for a product enhancement request! Here are a few work arounds that you could explore in the meantime .

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