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April Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge

edited 07/20/23 in Show & Tell

Hi everyone,

We're ready to kick off April  with a new question and opportunity for you to earn some badges and points while getting to know your peers!  

How would you like to see Generative AI applied to help you do more with Smartsheet?

Get creative or share a practical use case -- all ideas and thoughts welcome! If it’s something you’ve already tried out. Let us know how it went!

(Share your answer in the comments below.)

What inspired this month's question? With new generative technology like ChatGPT and DALL-E making recent headlines, we've seen a growth in curiosity and interest around what this means for each of us in the way we engage with the world, the work we do, and how we collaborate with one another. Last month, Ben Canning, Senior Vice President of Product at Smartsheet, sat down to discuss how generative AI will enable Smartsheet users to be even more effective

Now we want to hear from you! Drop your answer in the comments below.

About Question of the Month:

We kick off each month with a new question. These monthly ice breakers are just one way to help you get to know your Smartsheet peers and rack up some badges and points in the process.

Everyone who participates by answering the question prior to the end of the month will automatically receive a unique participant badge once the question closes at the end of the month.

In addition to the participant badge, the top three answers based on Community member votes will receive the Top Answer badge. To vote on an answer click on the upvote icon associated with an answer in the comments below. Multiple votes allowed and encouraged!



  • Employee

    I know @Brian_Richardson has a great response for this one 😉

  • Overachievers Alumni

    I absolutely love Andria's and LizTo's responses and am having a hard time coming up with additional ideas but would like to see AI-capabilities that help enable more powerful workflows and am pleased to hear that Smartsheet is investing more in this area.

    Smartsheet Overachievers Alumni

  • ✭✭✭

    I would like to see AI in Smartsheet be able to create a Smartsheet solution for a conversation about an upcoming project or product we are launching. Crude ex. "Create a project management solution using an agile product development approach, for a Database product that will have x DBAs, x Prod Mgrs, x software devs, etc."

    This would then start the conversation about the other information the AI chat would need to create the solution. Ex. Do you want a project dashboard? What type of reports do you want? etc.

    The outcome would be a workspace created for the project with the starting elements and the connections between the sheets and the draft logic for dashboards, reports, emails, etc.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I am still new to all of this, but I feel like there are great suggestions here for the future growth of AI. I like the suggestion from @RebSchr about learning habits. I think that is key and the prediction of formulas. I even think that making predictions of the next steps would be helpful off to the side to recommend what to do next if you do this.....

    I cant wait to learn more!

  • I'm new to the platform! "Smartsheet can you provide me with an update on project X status?" Being new to a platform and learning all the features can be challenging, and so support that its specific and on-demand could be really impactful.

    A little bit of tech and a little bit of human touch.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have an incident and RCCA system out on smartsheet. It would be cool if an AI could help in the root cause process to help determine causes and show or predict trends or risk.

  • Employee

    @CatSusk @Dballinger Welcome newbies! So happy you're here (and kicking things off with great answers already!).

  • Community Champion

    I think I would like to see a ChatGPT like feature that would help create formulas based on what you are trying to do. That way, you could dictate to the AI what you are trying to accomplish and it could generate the formula for you that would best fit your use case.

    Jonathan Sanders, CSM

    "Change is always scary because it is unknown, but facing the unknown is what makes us stronger."

  • I don't want Chat GPT or any of those things! Ah!

This discussion has been closed.

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