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April Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I think that there is a real possibility for beginning (and intermediate) users to have Smartsheet AI (we'll call it Sai) to look at the data that is being collected/entered into sheets, and suggest different methods for presenting the data, and offer assistance in adding workflows. Some examples that I can think of:

    • "Other tasks assigned to {{userID}} have typically not been completed on time, would you like to add daily/weekly reminders starting [x]-days before it is due?"
    • Funny/not-funny: "Typically when {{userID}} is assigned to a task they need at least [x] number of days to do anything. Would you like to set the due date and reminders accordingly?"
    • "You have created a task that is similar to [y], would you like to include the sub-items and assignments previously used?"
    • "This task has been re-created every Monday for three weeks, would you like me to automatically add it each Monday?"
    • "You have start and end dates entered, would a GANNT chart be useful for you?"
    • "You have used the word 'Agenda' in the sheet name, but have not included a distribution list. Would you like to add users that should be notified when a new item is created?"
    • "Whenever a new row is entered into this sheet, it is noted that you create a folder with the primary column name, and populate the folder with these templates. Would you like to automate this in the future? I will need some parameters from you to get started."
    • "I see that you are creating a dashboard, would you like to see some sample widgets populated with different relations?"

    Just a few that come to mind. I think the key to successfully implementing it into something like Smartsheet will be to have a balance between collecting the users trends (past history), with potential improvements on how they can view/present the data. There are more managers out there that want to see the data, but don't necessarily understand data. I deal with this constantly, and trying to find a way that will suit their style seems to be taking a larger portion of my time.

    "Even my contingencies have contingencies."

  • I feel that Chat GPT could help with the following in my day-to-day

    1. troubleshooting errors or gaps in formulas
    2. guided instruction how to set up integrations with Smartsheet
    3. dashboard visualization and insights to data that can exposed for real-time action
  • Yes, please integrate Chat GPT ASAP! I recently had to switch to to make use of its integrated Chat GPT formula.

    I used to autogenerate descriptive text in a standardised format for dozens of online courses with multiple fields of metadata. The Chat GPT input was, ultimately, driven off a single Course ID. As with all this AI, it's a case of GIGO. The material had to be edited carefully but the time saved was massive and it threw up some interesting insights.

    So...over to you Smartsheet, get the developers onto integration of Chat GPT and I'll bring my course master sheet back into my Smartsheet activities.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    I still don't know how I feel about Chat GPT - but I wonder if it could be helpful in formula building within SS.

  • ✭✭✭

    There are more solutions than just "ChatGPT" but since it made the news, it has become the "face" of AI chatbots. I encourage everyone to look in to the other projects out there. Anyway, I hope this tech will act more as a partner in designing solutions rather than just do our work for us from end-to-end. I'd like to see it analyze what we're building to see a patterns of what we're looking to accomplish. Then, offer pathways to possible formulas or automations if we've been doing something over and over. Who knows, maybe one day it will help make nested formulas a bit more Human readable.

  • Community Champion

    Predictive resource management based on skill sets and availability

    Assist with user onboarding on to our specific instance of SS. “Go here for blank” “need to x? Do that here” etc.

    Generate user documentation based on our specific instance.

    Ryan Sides

    Smartsheet Tips and Tricks for Beginners and Advanced on LinkedIn and YouTube

    Come Say Hello!

  • Community Champion

    When community users ask about counting hours and days, I would love to see AI automatically direct them to @Paul Newcome 's guide to date & time calculations! 😀 ⏳️⌚️📆

    But seriously, language-based AI that could analyze a question and suggest functions & formulas, catch syntax errors and suggest corrections, and analyze sheet structure and propose changes for efficiency and data integrity... would be amazing. It might put me out of a job, but it sure would be cool.


    Jeff Reisman

    Link: Smartsheet Functions Help Pages Link: Smartsheet Formula Error Messages

    If my answer helped solve your issue, please mark it as accepted so that other users can find it later. Thanks!

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I utilize SS primarily for our Quality Management System in a manufacturing environment and have encountered challenges at times to develop effective training materials. This is where I believe AI might be able to help in my case.

    • Training plans/program developed from AI's evaluation of employee competency assessments.
    • Auto Updating sheets, reports, and widgets for yearly dashboard elements (unless I'm missing something I've only been able to do this manually.)

    Regards - JC

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Generative Design is intended to offer multiple options using parameters fed by the user to achieve the automation of a process, in our company's case we already have most of the processes done using API and Formulas and some manual processes. As the Generative design is limited by the same tools that we use, and there is know limits to the tools, the systems will also be limited by the same rules.

    Therefore, in order to have a Generative design or AI that is able to improve our limited environment, we need it to be free of those limits, not dedicated to do what we can do, but dedicated to do what we cannot do.

    My idea is that the AI should be able to build functions and tools that currently don't exist. for instance:

    • Create new calls like bulk creating sheets, work with reports like bulk renaming based on rules
    • Improve current calls by documenting each possible option available on the current API documentation
    • Do repetitive manual tasks that we cannot avoid with the current API/Formulas limitations
    • Create a health report of the current status of out pages, like:
      • Near limit sheets
      • Reports not used in a very long time
      • Orphan objects that requires attention (new owners or deletion)
      • Graphs of tools utilization
      • Suggestion for automation of existing processes, replacement of Automation by Formulas or vice versa what ever is more efficient
    • Document and create graphics of our current processes, finding actors and actions on each stage creating the workflows for us

    Solving issues that are unsolvable at the moment is more beneficial than ask that the AI do our work, it is more like let the AI solve the issues we all have due to limitations in the application.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Haven't you ever seen 2001: A Space Odyssey ?!?!?!?!😂

    The LAST thing that I want is a sentient Dashboard named H.A.L.SHEET 9000 saying "I am sorry, Kyle...I can't do that"...moments before it shoots me out of the airlock...and into the vacuum of space!😱

  • I'd love for the feature to help me create workflows that are best suited for the type of activity/goal I'm reporting on.

  • Community Champion

    As already mentioned, getting AI help with writing formulas would be great. Especially if it could diagnose a formula I'm writing but having a hard time getting just so. Ideally it would tell me things like, “You missed closing the parenthesis for your INDEX function right before the third comma” and the like—or even just give me the fixed formula.

  • I think all of the above answers are fantastic!! I would like to see it be able to assist with simple "show me" commands as well as answer generalized help questions by new users. Or allow a user to ask a question and provide a step by step tutorial to walk through the task. The ability to create dashboards with less manual work would be helpful and a time saver. Using it to respond to approval requests or update requests on sheets would also be nice. Change is scary yet so exciting!!

  • Community Champion

    Love all the great ideas in this conversation. Reiterating some of the suggestions made and maybe throwing in a different spin on others:

    • Having the ability to use natural language to create formulae would be a great feature.
    • Build WorkApps and Dynamic Views.
    • I feel like the scope of possibilities with AI and Control Center could be huge.

    A few thoughts less focused on user experience:

    • Support business OKRs. For example, in a PMO environment, AI could help identify development and quality improvement opportunities. For example, having AI look across the entire estate of a Control Center program to determine patterns about how different team members engage and interact with their Smartsheet assets (e.g. how commonly used is the Communicaton Plan template, how frequently are Risk Logs updated, etc). Being able to provide insights on this type of metadata could be used to drive quality and help create tailored learning/development opportunities to support different team members.
    • Lessons Learnt. Build and add to a lessons learnt repository and provide insights on those lessons, based on data across project assets. For example: "80% of our project assets all have resourcing risk and 50% of those are mitigating in XYZ way and 25% are mitigating in ABC way". Lessons Learnt would also be useful from a project kick-off perspective, allowing a project manager to say "I'm about to start a project of this type or in this portfolio, what are some of the risks or issues that have happened in similar projects that I need to be aware of or do the mitigations/resolutions put in place need to be revisited?".
    • Reporting. Look across an entire estate or different levels in a multi-tier SCC setup to produce executive summaries about progress, risks, issues, etc - at program, portfolio, or entire business level.
    • Project performance and analysis - on-time deliveries, risk-laden projects, etc.
    • User analytics. Would love for AI to help in identifying level of engagement of different Smartsheet assets. Does anyone even look at the project dashboard? What about the milestone report in it? Is it the same handful of people from a project team who are interacting with RAID logs?

    Sing Chen

    Process & Solutions Architect, Dayforce


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I think it would be helpful for formulas and maybe building out reports or dashboards. Like create a dashboard with information x, y, and z from sheets a and b and report c with a chart showing this and the report embedded. And viola!!!

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