Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Sheet Sharing / Default View


Quick question on setting a Default View when sharing a sheet. I have a sheet that contains employee information that requires quarterly updates. Currently we are NOT sharing the sheet due to sensitive information contained in the sheet. This means a report for each supervisor to edit their employees will not work because the underlying data is not shared. We want the supervisors to only see those employees they supervise.

My question is if I create a default view for each supervisor and share the sheet using the Default View selecting their specific named filter, set it to Grid View are they able to turn the filter OFF once they access the sheet?


Marlana Kalinowski


Sr. Business Analysts / Smartsheet Solutions

National Pharmacy Services | Genoa Healthcare


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    Update : Ended up creating a workspace and had a co worker test this and unfortunately she was able to turn off the filter. It would be a big benefit if when sharing in this aspect that they could NOT turn off filters then I could share this way versus a report and they only see those employees assigned under them.


    Sr. Business Analysts / Smartsheet Solutions

    National Pharmacy Services | Genoa Healthcare

  • Employee

    Hi @Marlana K.

    Thank you for sharing your testing steps and solution. You can submit your filters feature request to the Product team by creating an Idea Post in the Smartsheet Product Feedback and Ideas topic here in the Community. This will allow other users to vote on your enhancement idea! The Product team reviews top-voted post once per month and provides a status update.



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    Hi Marcela,

    Thanks I actually just submitted it. If anyone has any suggestions in the mean time I am open because currently I have created the following process:

    ACTIVE Employee Loss Prevention Master Sheet

    NEW Employee Intake Form/Sheet

    Employee Audit Form

    When a new employee is hired during onboarding they complete the form and it populates the Master Sheet.

    When an employee leaves or is terminated the Supervisor has to Complete the Audit Form using an Audit Reference ID in order to retrieve the employees information through an Update request from the Main Sheet.

    They also use this form for the quarterly audit but they first receive a exported copy of the report to review, then they have to request the update using the audit form for only those employees that require an update to their information.

    Would save multiple steps if we could just share the filter and they could not remove it :)


    Sr. Business Analysts / Smartsheet Solutions

    National Pharmacy Services | Genoa Healthcare

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    I tend to build separate reports and dashboards for instances like this. It does create extra steps but allows me to share limited information with particular employees. Once setup, its easy enough to modify as needed. There new Dynamic view is the easy way to accomplish this, but that comes at an additional cost, unfortunately.

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    @Brad H

    Thanks for the suggestion! Currently I do have individual reports for each supervisor that are sent quarterly with the excel version attachment. What would be great is if we could generate the "interactive/editable" reports without sharing underlying data. Do to sensitive data (PHI) we cannot share the sheet to those individuals.

    I do agree Dynamic View or even Work Apps would be a great alternative however these are add on products that we currently do not have.


    Sr. Business Analysts / Smartsheet Solutions

    National Pharmacy Services | Genoa Healthcare

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    We have some similar issues in that regard. I use the reports to create a limited view for the departments in question, then publish them to a dashboard. Each department head gets the information they need minus the information that cannot be shared. The only downside, besides the extra hoops, is the possibility of them sharing their link. Fortunately for us, this has not been an issue so far. Thats has been my ultimate work around. Whether that works for everyone or coincides with security practices... I can definitely understand why it might not work. Thats why we are presenting the dynamic view to our superiors, fingers crossed.

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    @Brad H I will cross my fingers for you!

    We are actually locking down our account even tighter. I will be updating our sharing policy and locking down settings even tighter. This solution I built was to help track facility equipment (Loss Prevention) so it contains passwords/passcodes for items such as iPhones, iPads, door codes for facility, etc. I cannot have that information displayed on a dashboard. Definitely a need to know kind of situation for 37 different supervisors to see only the employees they manage. Eventually I will revisit and rebuild this solution once our intake request slows a bit (hopefully that doesn't happen).


    Sr. Business Analysts / Smartsheet Solutions

    National Pharmacy Services | Genoa Healthcare

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