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Date format inconsistencies, US/UK

Andrew Lugton
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

If you copy and paste US-format dates (mm/dd/yy) into a Smartsheet while your personal settings are English (UK) (and presumably other Anglophone options), the data will retain the US format for all dates below 13. Where the date is 13 or more, Smartsheet will automatically transpose the format to  dd/mm/yy. This can be confusing.


I suggest two work-arounds.


1. Convert all the dates to the required dd/mm/yy format before you paste them into Smartsheet;


2. Change your personal settings to English (US), then paste in the US-format dates, save, then change your personal settings back to English (UK).


I guess the same applies (in reverse) to anybody pasting UK-format dates into their US-format Smartsheet.


Smartsheet say this is expected behaviour, so don't expect it to change any time soon.


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Andrew, thanks for posting! While speaking with our development team, they informed me this is expected behavior. We are tracking feedback for this and your input has been logged with our developers. 

  • Jim Cronin

    Whats odd is that on my Admin view the dates show up in US format.  


    On some of my users' views they have mixed US and European standards.


    They have all been set to show up in US standard. 


    Any idea why this is happening on some of our test users accounts?  Can we change them all to be US standard?

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Jim, date format is based on each users account settings. Users can change their location and date settings by going to Account > Personal Settings > Profile > Language (Country). 


    This setting will affect all dates in their view - so there should not be a mix of two standards. This setting will only affect dates in Date columns, so if you have dates entered in a Text/Number column, its possible to have different formats. 

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