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Provide users with the ability to Print a Grouped Report



  • S-Jacob
    S-Jacob ✭✭✭

    I did not occur to me that this would be an issue. The export of the report to pdf should not fundamentally change the display of the report. Leadership likes the group by and is disappointed in having been shown a feature that does not work on the export.

    The inability to export the report to a pdf, in a way that looks like the report, is a bug. It mischaracterizes this to present a resolution to this request as an "improvement." Are we to understand that with the "On Radar ● Last Update 07/27/22" that this bug fix has been sitting idle for over two-years?

  • Has SS resolved this issue yet, It's been years that the request was made…

    See to be pretty basic to print reports with all the sub totals…

    Please update

  • Hoping that this could still be on the map sometime soon. It's the most frustrating part of the system.

  • Lindsay Whitbread
    Lindsay Whitbread ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 10/03/24

    Guys - another month ticks by without any progress. 😞

    Well, there is one option available for people who really need to be able to print a grouped report.

    My team has built an addon for Smartsheet to print grouped reports, using our Advanced Document Generator.

    Although the InfoSpark Advanced Document Generator can easily create grouped reports as either PDF or an MS Word document, it comes at a cost, which means that it's still not an option for people who need a free solution.

    So let's keep voting for this feature - but if you absolutely must get a solution today, reach out to the InfoSpark team to get the Advanced Document Generator!



    Smartsheet Lead @ InfoSpark

    Asia Pacific Smartsheet Partner of the Year (2023)

    Platinum Smartsheet Partner |

  • Richard Heath
    Richard Heath ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 10/03/24

    I'm starting to think @Lindsay Whitbread that the fix is being ignored, as the 'solution' will involve the new Table View. It was alluded to back in February -

    Here's hoping that the Table View may allow for Grouped Printing….but I'm not holding my breath.

  • This feature is needed asap

  • Lindsay Whitbread
    Lindsay Whitbread ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 10/10/24

    Fingers crossed @Richard Heath, but the Early Access version of Tables doesn't include grouping (yet).

    Smartsheet Lead @ InfoSpark

    Asia Pacific Smartsheet Partner of the Year (2023)

    Platinum Smartsheet Partner |

  • Heather C
    Heather C ✭✭✭

    I love the fact that reports have a Summary View but it won't be helpful to me until it is able to be printed and exported as such. I would really appreciate this improvement and it seems there are many more who would too.


  • JenO
    JenO ✭✭

    It's really depressing to see all the things I'm trying to acheive in smartsheet are currently not part of the functionality and a lot of these requests have there last official update over 2yrs ago. This one seems so simple, to be able to print the report exactly as you see it on screen. I'm starting to feel this is Not So Smartsheet.

  • Michelle Choate 2
    Michelle Choate 2 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I have 15 reports that my Construction team uses every month to allocate costs to different cost codes. The sums at the top of the report are what they use. But I cannot email that out when I export to the accountants every month, so I have an automation set to email them the excel files every month so they can add in their own formulas. This is SUPER disappointing that it has been YEARS that this has been requested and it is only just now on the roadmap to hopefully come out next year sometime.