Hi All,
There are instances where we have to temporarily suspend the use of a form so we need a method to inform the users why the form has been deactivated. Thus, it would be useful if we can customise the message that appears when you open a deactivated form (Current message is "the form you are attempting to access is no longer in use") so if we can use this message to inform the users why the form has been temporarily suspended when they attempt to open the form. That way we can avoid users trying to understand if the form is unavailable due to a technical issue or if this was purposely deactivated.
It would be great if there was a simple text box in the settings of a sheet form where we could enter a plain text message that would display when the form is deactivated. Currently, all forms just say "The form you are attempting to access is no longer active." and have a link to smartsheet.com. This isn't super relevant (or in fact relevant in any way, shape, or form) to smartsheet users who are completing forms.
If someone tries to use a link to a form that is inactive. They receive a message that says, "The form you are attempting to access is no longer active." I am recommending an alternative statement such as "The form you are attempting to access is currently inactive." OR "The form you are trying to access is unavailable at this time."
The current message of "no longer active" could be confusing such as will never be active.
I absolutely agree with this or give us the ability to remove the "submit" button and update our heading and title with information.
Sr. Business Analysts / Smartsheet Solutions
National Pharmacy Services | Genoa Healthcare