Feature Request - Folder Sharing
It would be nice to share a folder inside a workspace without sharing the entire work space. Here is an example of what is need: Work Space: Sales Folder: LED Lighting Folder: Sales Reps Folder: Matt P (Want to share this folder with only Matt P. without shring the entire work space.
Could we get a setting to lock the gantt chart to 5 years
It would great if there was a setting that would limit the gantt chart view to 5 years in support of shorter projects. Another option that would be even better is to have a start and end date setting for the timeline. It would make it better for printing and sharing.
Schedule an export of a Report
I'm trying to link up a SmartSheet report to our Company wide reporting dashboard in Power BI. To do this I'm looking to schedule an export of a report (say weekly) to save in SharePoint where it is accessed by Power BI. Has anyone else tried this? Is there any way to do this? Thanks! Donna
Smartsheet collaboration with Microsoft Teams
Hi, I want to know the accessibility rights of the different types of users (licensed, non-licensed, collaborator...) Example: I want 2 users to be admins so they can add users and create sheets. And I need 20 users to be able to access the sheets, input, and edit information. Also, I need 100 users to be able to view the…
Feature request: copy share link to clipboard
I would love to save myself a few clicks by having the "Secure sheet link (accessible by shared users only)" link available in the main UI. My mock-up of this would be something like the attached. A user could just click that small hyperlink icon and the share link would be copied to their clipboard for pasting. I do a lot…
Sheet sharing
I was wondering if there is any way to have different sharing scheme for different sheets in one workspace?
Linking pages
Hey Guys, i am looking for a way to have vital data show up from one sheet onto another. I am using 6 sheets to keep track of project data. Each individual line in the sheets has all of the data for one project. In this line is a check box that states "Ops Scheduled". I need a way to have projects lines that do not have…
Locking view when sharing
Hello, I have used Smartsheet for some time now, but just started investigating using Card view. Unfortunately, Card view cannot be used on a report. Previously I had a report that combined my personal tasks as a manager from one sheet with tasks from my involvement in projects my employees are working on to create my…
bulk edits
Hi i have a large sheet that needs to be edited by many individuals [circa 30]. Each row contains in a field the email address of the user who can edit or modify the record [row]. Is it possible to: automate an invite to edit based on parsing the sheet per unique set of emails restrict for a user to edit only those records…
Viewing Sent Item History
Hi I had an inquiry from one of my colleagues. They would like to be able to view the history of single rows that they sent to a specific email. They had forgotten to cc themselves when they sent it and deleted the whole row by accident. Sent items cannot be seen in the Activity Log and you can't view the cell history once…