Can you have Smartsheet automatically email the PDF that is created with Generate Document
Hi there, I'm working on some automated workflows that I would like to generate a PDF document with field information and email it to a contact in a cell. I don't want to go through the effort of building a PDF with fillable fields if the workflow function to generate the fields in the document cannot send this document as…
How to pull data from another sheet based on a specific criteria
Hello, I have one sheet that includes all of our projects listed in rows and I need to create specific sheets outlining the tasks for each of the rows. The new sheet should also include specific data (such as dates, names, etc.) from the first sheet. I'd like to be able to link data from specific cells from that first…
Formula for separating names
Hello all i have a smart sheet that was imported from excel and need help. Currently I only have the full name in one cell (i.e) John doe. I want to have it where it will split the first and last name into the next two cells in the same row. And then I need it to take either the full name or the two separated names and…
Request an Update Automation
Hello, I have an Update Request going out on a quarterly basis to update a number of Providers in an Office. Basically it reads like this, ".. You are the designated point-of-contact for {{Office Name}}. Currently, your office shows your Provider Count as {{Active Provider Count}}. If this is correct, please disregard this…
Merged: "Move Rows" Automation to add rows at the top of the target sheet
This discussion has been merged.
Automation — Moving Parent and Children Rows Together
From looking at forums, it seems that this is not yet a function of SmartSheets. If I were to set an automation function for a row to move from one sheet to another (e.x. from "Active Grants" to "Closed Grants"), it appears that, at best, child rows can move to the new sheet as parent rows (given that they all meet the…
How can I automatically add data to the dropdown list ?
Hi all, Sometimes i need to add new data to a dropdown list but it's hard for me to add because it's in a lot of different sheets. How do i automatically add data to all dropdown list column? (Python, Automation, Make, Zapier etc.)
How to capture/log user/contact info in a cell after updating a different cell?
I want to be able to identify the user when changes are made to cells on the Sheet. I know there is the Activity Log. But I want to see that data on the Sheet. I also know that there is the Modified By column, but that picks up changes to any cell in that row. I have a log that needs to have the status column changed by…
Workflow Automation for a 2-week notice email
Hello All. I have a sheet that has staff name and their term date. I want Smartsheet to look at this sheet daily and send an email to HRC with details of staff whose term date is 14 days from now. to do that I originally configured trigger to two weeks before notification date and set my other two conditions but then…
How to set up an email reminder 7 days after creation date
Greetings, I'm trying to set up an automation to send an email 7 days after creation date but I'm having problems. I tried using the function =IF([Creation Date]@row) > TODAY(+7), 1, 0) but it isn't working as expected. When I change the date with a test date from a date column, it works fine. Any ideas what I am doing…