"When Triggered" Automations Behaviour
A colleague of mine has sent me a question that has stumped me and has got me thinking my understanding of how automations work has been wrong. She sent me the following: We have automations that are set up to send when triggered that send emails to support when someone requests access to one of our products and also a…
Timestamp Workflow not working
I found someone's article (link) about how to timestamp using a workflow. I tried it exactly the way the article set it up and rather than timestamping newly entered lines, it completely overwrote every single date in the column including all previously entered lines. I also tried all of these (using the trigger "when rows…
Multi-Tier Blueprints
We have Multi-Tier enabled. We will have three tiers. Aside from manual provisioning, can we automate the lower level children to provision into their parent provisioned folders. Example: Top Level is Client. The next level is Program/Unit Type. The lowest level is the different Stages/Tranches. Client A provisions into…
Automation Creating Folders and Workspace
I'd like to be able to create Folders and Workspaces through automation.
Microsoft Teams Notifications Are Disabled - Change in Behavior
I have a user that has had automation set up to send notifications to a Teams Channel working for some time. It suddenly started giving an error: "Microsoft Teams notification are disabled. Your System Admin has disabled Microsoft Teams notifications for your organization." The sheet permissions are Unrestricted and the…
Smartsheet Automations and API/Webhook Calls
Hi there, We have a sheet then when an item in the sheet is marked as complete it is moved to an Archive sheet using Automation. The problem is there is so much data in a short period of time that we hit the sheet cell limit and have to export the data out into a CSV. I am wondering if there is a way using automation to…
Deactivate Automation Per Row
I have a super useful automation triggering on a daily basis if conditions are not met. However, I don't want to annoy the user by pinging them (7) days a week with the same automation since the condition remains unfulfilled. It would be very useful if I could turn off the automation per row, similar to being able to…
How to create if/then formula to identify differences in text columns
I'm trying to automatically identify whether PIs in my departments are collaborating on various projects. I'm essentially looking for a formula that will identify in a column when up to 4 departments are not equal. Suggestions?
Control Center - Destination Sheet change dynamically in Copy/Move Row Automations
I have a sheet in my blueprint that I want to copy rows from to another sheet in the same blueprint. When Control Center spins up projects, I want to be able to have the destination sheet change dynamically so that it's going to the selected sheet within the new project toolkit and not my original blueprint. See this…
Automation Deleted, Messages Continue.
What can I do about an automation that has been deleted and continues? I had a reminder automation to be sent out every so often, the automation was deleted and continues to be sent even to individuals no longer shared to the sheet. Beyond the automation menu is this something that I will have to contact support for or is…