Looking for solution to add Outlook calendar invite information to Smartsheet
We want to create a Smartsheet that is automatically populated with Subject, Location, Date, Time, Duration when we invite an alias to a meeting. Is anyone aware of a way to do this? We would do this for all of our project/program meetings to help us provide corporate visibility to the meetings and attempt to avoid…
Alert for Automation being set as disabled
I think an automated alert to notify system admins when an automation on a sheet is turned off would be a good feature. We have had them accidentally turned off, or on purpose sometimes even, when they didn't need to be.
Can an error message generated by a formula be used to trigger a workflow?
I've seen suggestions in other forum posts that this does not work, but nothing conclusive. I have an index/match formula to link data from sheet 1 to sheet 2. If the indexed row in sheet 1 is later deleted (the project is cancelled, for instance) there is no longer a match and I get a #NO MATCH error in sheet 2. I want to…
copy row to intermediate and back to original sheet - with NEW automated number
I'm trying to copy a row from my primary list to an intermediate list and then back to the original list with a new auto-generated number. Right now, the row copies back over to the original list with the SAME auto-generated number, which now shows a duplicate value. Any way to trigger a new auto-generated number on the…
How to remove my name in mails
hi, below my name come when notification send to end users... I am owner of this project and developed for some other team... hot to remove my name in notifications mails...
CA not receiving notifications not being released at all, not working for runflow
Our Contract Admin (CA) receives notifications for their monitors who have completed preliminary approvals for their agencies. We created automation where the CA would receive a notification when every monitor receives a submission. Workflow is not working, and CA isn't receiving email notifications but is receiving a few…
Use of sheet summary fields (or formulas) in automation
It would be great to be able to include calculated values and/or sheet summary fields within automation. In general, the point is including global conditions in the automation criteria. An example is an employee calendar with daily alerts as to who is out of the office. When people are out for a range crossing a…
Salesforce Connector Sync - Don't send automation if not synced?
We use SF connector as our go between. We send a lot of automations out from Smartsheet for various reasons. Is there a way for an automation to not send if a row is no longer synced with the connector? IE a customer cancels and therefore is no longer synced and is filtered out by connector. We don't want the daily…
SS Automations not working, not sending email notifications due to not working.
The automation I've created to provide my team with notifications of when their contractors submit responses is not working. The automation used to provide email notifications to each contract monitor but now they are not receiving anything. In addition, when the contractors submit their responses, they don't receive a…
Creating a workflow automation, keeping getting the error, "Workflow failed. Please try again."
How do I fix this notification?