Appointment Booking Smartsheet?
Hi There, Just wanted to come on and see if anybody on here has created a booking system on Smartsheet either using a sheet or form. I would require to have a selection of dates with duplicated time slots (example. there would be 3 available appointments at 9am on Tuesday). I can't think of a way of doing this where the…
Trigger an external webhook in automations
I would like to be able to trigger an external webook when something is added or changes in smartsheets. I use make.com and would like to be able to send shartsheet data to a make.com webhook as an automation action.
Exclude weekends and holidays from automation reminders
Hello, Can we stop automation notifications triggered on weekends and holidays? Thanks,
Enhancement Request - Automations
Hello, Would love to see enhancements to the automated workflows. Please make the dialog boxes bigger/expandable! Additionally, if there could be an option to create a workflow and multi-select date fields from your spreadsheet, that would be amazing. Otherwise, I have to set-up a ton of the exact same automations for…
How to automaticaly share a PM to a workspace created by blueprint
We have control center and we have a blueprint that runs based on an automation. in the intake sheet we collect the name and email of the project manager. When the blueprint creates a new workspace we would like for the blueprint to share the workspace to that project manager as well. important to note, the project manager…
Automation to Lock/Unlock Columns
My thought here is related to update requests. Often when I send update requests, I need to send additional columns / information in that update request, but I don't want those columns to be able to be updated, just viewed. It's not simple to include additional information and prevent the ability to update that information…
How can I connect project names to a project #?
I am looking for a better way besides individually making automations. That allows me to connect multiple project names using a drop-down list to a specific project number.
Best practice / ideas for dealing with recurring task reminders
Hi, I'm creating a sheet which will contain a list of about 200 tasks. These tasks are all recurring, although not with the same frequencies. Some need to take place annually, some are quarterly, some monthly (and not always on the same day of the month). I need to create some way to track whether tasks have been completed…
How can I set user input to trigger a workflow but not other changes?
I have built an inventory lending library for our staff. In my Inventory Checked Out Sheet, I have a contact field called Checkout Final. The person who is listed in that contact field can update the Checkout Final field to list someone else via a Dynamic View (e.g. when they are transferring a loan to a co-worker). I want…
Email automations
On some sheets, I have automations set up. On these emails, the receiver sees: "MY NAME via Smartsheet" as the subject line. I think it is showing my name because I set up the automation or created the sheet. For automation emails (not comment emails), I don't want them to see my name. I'd rather them see "SHEET NAME via…