Use of sheet summary fields (or formulas) in automation
It would be great to be able to include calculated values and/or sheet summary fields within automation. In general, the point is including global conditions in the automation criteria. An example is an employee calendar with daily alerts as to who is out of the office. When people are out for a range crossing a…
Salesforce Connector Sync - Don't send automation if not synced?
We use SF connector as our go between. We send a lot of automations out from Smartsheet for various reasons. Is there a way for an automation to not send if a row is no longer synced with the connector? IE a customer cancels and therefore is no longer synced and is filtered out by connector. We don't want the daily…
SS Automations not working, not sending email notifications due to not working.
The automation I've created to provide my team with notifications of when their contractors submit responses is not working. The automation used to provide email notifications to each contract monitor but now they are not receiving anything. In addition, when the contractors submit their responses, they don't receive a…
Creating a workflow automation, keeping getting the error, "Workflow failed. Please try again."
How do I fix this notification?
Updating Smartsheet from external sources
I have a task list (for want of a better term) that was made in SharePoint and shared with many users. They make updates. I then export to Excel, import to Smartsheet and do what I need to to make an informative report. I can't remove the SharePoint element from this process. I need a way to update some of my information…
Unique IDs for Testing Documentation
I may be overcomplicating this, but I wanted to see if you guys could help me. My team is building out some testing documentation for our projects. Our current set up is that we have a sheet that is basically divided into two halves. The first half is the general information for the test scenario. The second half is for…
How to track people Form completion
Hi Everyone, I have been thinking about this for a couple of weeks now. I want to bring my manufacturing facility to the next level by creating an associate monitoring database. Let me explain more. The Food Safety Team consists of 30 associates on my site. They are responsible for conducting Food Safety Audits (Smartsheet…
how to set up automation logic for move row based on field value
Hello! I have a sheet populated by a form evaluating items identified by #'s. . There are several hundred items to be evaluated and users may fill out this form several times a year. My goal is to have the sheet showing only the most recent evaluation for each item. I would like to create an automation so that each…
Alert when assigned
I am still new and trying to get used to smartsheet FYI. So I am using a Gannt sheet and when I go to the assigned column and assign it to an employee, I am sure there is a way to alert that specific person but I am not sure how. I suppose that I would have to make a workflow for each employee so it is not a mass…
automation setting question
Hi, I'm setting up an automation that remove anything on a sheet older than 8 months. What am I doing wrong? What is really weird is it pulling some stuff off the sheet to soon but not all dates to soon. It's very random what's moved. It everything in the wrong date ranged moved then I would assume it the settings. Thank…