As a company we have many people that look at our Smart Sheet so we can all stay up to date on our latest projects. That being said we rely heavily on the comment section to keep everyone on the same …
Dynamic View does not seem as user-friendly as in regular view/ sheet mode. Dynamic view - The attachments including photos are not viewable straight away as a small preview as they are in sheet view.…
It would be fantastic if we could move comments from one sheet another, but ESPECIALLY helpful would be the ability to use Data Mesh to move/merge attachments.
I couldn't find a gauge chart option in Chart widgets, any idea if it is available or any work around? It is strange - as this is very basic chart other apps/ Software provided for their Dash boards. …
New conversations sometimes immediately populate to the Latest Comment column. Other times I need to save & refresh browser which works inconsistently. My last resort fix is to copy the new conversati…
Currently, once a new version of a proofing document is uploaded, it is not possible to see the comments made on a previous version. This makes it extremely difficult to effectively review the new ver…
One of our users encounters an error message when responding to in-sheet conversations after being @mentioned. However, their response is still successfully sent. I’m trying to identify the cause of t…
With the old card view, when you double clicked on a card you could see all the details in one easy view, including the attachments and cards associated with that row. With the new board view, when yo…
How can I filter or sort comments so I only see the ones with @myname? My team asks tons of questions via smartsheets (one giant sheet with hundreds of entries) and it is very hard to keep up with all…