We are setting up a document review tracking worksheet with a front end that leverages the Calendar App. We want customers to submit required documents on a given timeframe and then use the Proof func…
Updates to the "latest comment" field/column that come in via a "request for update" automation are not included in the main comment thread. Is this intended or am I missing something? Basically I wan…
My organization regularly sends rows in requests to other team members to review. I would love the option to automatically check the "CC me" box whenever I am sending rows. This option could be toggla…
Allow users to filter Smartsheet notifications by Unread. I came back from vacation and have lots of notifications. It is a pain scrolling past the new notifications to the older ones I want to review…
Hi, We would like to have alerts being sent out when someone adds a comment. There is a workflow that I believe should cover this, but am finding that it doesn't always work/trigger. I have 8 people a…
Hi everyone, Does anyone know how you can keep someone from completing a line item? I have a sheet where I ask for a resolution to an issue and some users are marking the item as complete without prov…
I am needing to create a cell that has all of the comments for a particular row combined. We need to display more than just the latest comment. I understand that there is a 4000 character limit for a …