Before I go reinventing the wheel... Has anyone created a workflow that would move or copy attachments and conversation from 1 sheet to another? My team is merging 2 sheets into a 3rd, and while I cou…
I am trying to create a log of the actions taken with on a row. We are using the "@teammember" feature to send email updates to individuals out of the Dynamic View comments section. It was asked wheth…
Hello! I am currently working on a dashboard, and need to populate rows that have comments. Is there a way to do so or is there a formula I can use to indicate if a row has comments? I tried doing an …
Hello all, Does anyone have any ideas on how I might be able to hide row comments in a report that is in an individual project Workapp within a control center Portfolio Workapp? I have hid the comment…
I would love the ability to have a hidden or blind comment feature for end-users to provide comments or feedback without being able to see the comments posted by other people. This would be especially…
Hi Smartsheet, I'd like to see the ability to create conditional formatting based on if a row has attachments, comments, is un/locked status, etc. These features are in the "side margin" on the left h…
It would be nice if, on occasion, Smartsheet Engage took place on the East Coast, or better yet, somewhere in the Midwest(Illinois, Indiana or Ohio perhaps).
Is there a way to correspond to an external contact in Smartsheets through the comments without sharing the sheet? We'd like to keep communications in Smartsheets, but we don't want to always share th…