Hello, I use the Comments of the Sheet to communicate with other people regarding the Requests we have in the Sheet. The comment notification that is sent automatically when a user has mentioned anoth…
Hello, I am fairly new to SmartSheets - I am trying to figure out how to pull data from one sheet to another that would have a names in common. I.E. Sheet 1 has a course name of Smith AR Training. She…
Using the comments on the Calendar App is helpful to avoid most users from going into the sheet itself and having visibility of comments on the Calendar. However, I have found that if an @ comment is …
Hello, Currently, the titles for rows within the conversations section of a sheet show only the value within the Primary Column. I need to use the primary column for reasons other than a descriptor. I…
Hi all, I'm using work apps to collaborate with multiple depts. I have collaborator access and when my team uses @sample name to target someone to get notified, 1. the names don't take @, and 2. no on…
I'm working on a sheet that has lots of columns, so want to create an automation to remind people to only update specific columns on a biweekly basis. Is this possible?
As we all know you can Request an update with someone that is not shared to a sheet. We would like to Call someone out in the conversation so the person gets the email notification and can replay with…
I would like to request that Smartsheet add the option to follow specific columns, rows, or proofs. Our team uses the rows to assign projects. It would be extremely helpful to get notified every time …
Here is my scenario: the regulatory staff on my team are transitioning to a smartsheet-based tracker to keep track of all regulatory tasks related to a clinical trial. Each task (initial applications,…
I frequently create notes for line items via the Conversations feature. Until recently, these conversation notes always sorted from most recent to oldest entries. In addition, the field space provided…