Please Share Your Thoughts About This Community
Hello Community! Later this year, we’ll make improvements to the Smartsheet Community experience to make it easier to find and share information. Some of the planned features include subject-specific forums, better search and filtering, and the ability for people to identify that a reply answered their question, just to…
How can I take a concatenated string and feed it into a form as an option?
Can't figure this out.. I have form with 4 fields in it. The user picks drop downs off of each of the 4 questions and saves the form. In the sheet, I have a 5th column that concatenates all of the 4 fields. (It basically builds a unique name for each of our customer audits) and looks like this.. 2019_Jun_Fab5_Skyworks…
Upcoming Release - Whats In It?
There is a new release coming. Yay! We were all just summarily notified of the upcoming release and the expected downtime. Any chance we can get a list of proposed changes included in the release? And please don't send me to the roadmap page with the generic message on releases and a copy of the release notes from the…
Date Problem
I recently ran into a problem with dates. I did not realize that “mm/dd/yy” hard coded in a date formula would be an issue in a Date Column. But when I tried to use the “mm/dd/yy” populated date for comparison with another date, I kept getting error messages or other strange results. It would be nice if Smartsheet could…
Troubleshooting formula and or row
I created a formula, but have problems. The formula is ........ =IF([Status Date]@row >= Today@row - 14, "Red", "Green") ....... The formula work fine in some rows, but not all. I'm puzzled as to why this is the case. Does the master sheet need to be purged for underlying errors of some kind. I can't duplicate the error…
Showing Only the Parent Rows in a Dashboard Chart
Hi - I have created a dashboard to show pie charts of my data. My problem is that the pie chart wants to include every single row as a data point, I only want to show the parent rows and not the children. I used the formula "=Count(Ancestors(row))". This gives me a 0,1,or 2 based on how many ancestors the row has. But I'm…
Sheet content, shifting rows
Oh boy I have a good one today. Please Help! On Friday I was working on my data base sheet, linking cells in a couple different columns to another sheet. (I hid the columns in between, to make it easier). Today, I noticed that the columns in between have shifted down a few and the further I get down them worst it gets…
Date and/or time stamp solution
We use Smartsheet in many wonderful ways but, in my opinion, the lack of a method to easily lock a cell with a date and/or time stamp is an open door for a competitors raid. A few years ago, I left Smartsheet because images could not be exported with line item details and there was no "key" to associate with a file export.…
Milestone Tracking Report - Numerous projects
Hi all I'm trying to create a status report which would roll up project tasks and their progress into an easily view-able report and/or widget The data will be across multiple sheets and I'm trying to find a way to trigger both active, complete and in progress data sets so that I can target the relevant stages inside of…
High Contrast and low vision
Hey smartsheeters! I use smartsheet(s) everyday and I have a rare retina disease that makes the bright white screens hard to read, is there a way to invert the screen colors? A nice bland gray with black or white letters would be lovely. Most of the programs I use invert based on my PC settings, but not smartsheet. Let me…