Displaying who the current user is on a dashboard.
I have some dashboards set up sharing reports set up for current user. I'd like to include a who the current user is at the top of the dashboard. Thinking there is a way to use a metric sheet.... Would appreciate any thoughts on how to do this. Thanks, Sara
Dynamic View Current User
Dynamic View sharing is set to our domain. Users will have email address in our domain. Users will NOT have Smartsheet account. Is a Smartsheet account required for "Current User" View to work? Will it capture the Current User's email in created/modified by? We have >100 people that do not require Smartsheet for their…
Current User
I'm having trouble with "current user" in reports, dashboards, dynamics views and work apps. Is there a single resource, video or help guide on everything current user? Thanks, Sara
Sharing a Filter By Current user report without sharing the sheet
Here is what I am attempting to do. I have a sheet where people use a form to submit requests. These could come from anybody in the company (over 100,000 people) I would like to have a report, on a dashboard, where these people can come in and see the status of their request. I was hoping to create a report, filtered on…
Can you create update requests with Current User filter capability?
Good morning. We are trying to send a workflow update request to an employee that will then update a tracking sheet — however, we do not want to share the sheet with the recipient, nor do we want the recipient to be able to select the Go To Sheet link at the bottom of the update form (which I understand cannot be removed).…
anyway to create formula for matching current user to cell contact list value
I've tried multiple things, even making them select a dropdown on the top row so the "modified by" for that row captures their name then using another column with contact list property with the formula "=[modified by]@row" for the remaining rows. But even this fails since in the "standard" contact list dropdown my name…