Currently all Data Shuttles appear in one list, you can view Offloads and Uploads separately.
Finding a Data Shuttle you want to Run, view and update can be very time consuming if you have a lot of Data Shuttle workflows.
Being able to put them into separate folders would be beneficial, this would also be of benefit in Dynamic View
Completely agree, having a way to filter/sort would be great.
Data Shuttle is a powerful and great tool within Smartsheet. However, the more you use it ..the more complex it becomes to manage as it is hard to keep everything organized. Having folders to organize the flows would definitely help.
I use multiple DataShuttles for 2 sheets (and growing). Being able to quickly organize and isolate DataShuttles would be a massive advantage and time save. I'd like to see this implemented very soon.
I was going to submit an idea to allow DS users to label jobs with a user-defined category label, but I like this idea better. I need to see my DS jobs grouped together by solution or topic, and I like your folder idea better. Voted!
I have 2 dozen Data Shuttles. To keep better organized, I'd like Smartsheet to develope a folder system to help me better organize all these Shuttles!
Enable the functionality to organize data shuttles into folders for specific sheets & workspaces that contain multiple data shuttles. This enhancement would streamline workflow management, particularly when consolidating multiple reports into a single document. Implementing folders for data shuttles would provide a more efficient and user-friendly experience, replacing the current lengthy list of workflows.
Please allow us to organize them yes. I'd love to have MULTIPLE levels down available to me (At least 3 levels). We create data shuttles for numerous departments and it's a mess without folders
Folders are highly needed to keep stuff organized and work efficient. Isn't that what smartsheet is all about, fast, flexible and efficient.