Common Picklist
Is there a way to define a picklist with values and then leverage that sinle picklist on more than one sheet?
Images in Templates
Is it possible to save an image in a template. I have tried but they disappear. I have all options ticked. I understand that I can attach them but visually it would be better for a small image to be shown against the item name. Would this be something that could be done in the future to save having as an attachment and…
Auto-populating a sheet with filtered data from another
All, I'm hoping someone can suggest a solution. I am trying to reduce the amount of time spent re-entering data about upcoming bids from one spreadsheet to another. My company has a master list of bids over the fiscal year and every week my boss produces a separate sheet of just the upcoming bids that he can then use…
Earned value
Is there a reasonably easy way to track earned vs planned value with Smartsheet?
Status Symbols (traffic lights)
Hi - Can we have set with 5 traffic lights. There is currently four and we use them to represent on-track (green), at risk (orange), overdue (red) and complete (blue). We feel we are missing one to indicate 'not started'. You already have a grey traffic light but it is in another set of four and it would be very helpful if…
Comments - Adding Pictures
It would be useful if we could add pictures to the discussions/comments. I am a CPA and I need collaborate reporting review and we currently communicate through email because of the quick ability to add in snipits/screenshots. I know attachments can be uploaded but I would prefer to have the picture embedded in the…
Enhancement Request: Edit Row from Desktop like App
In a Report, when I select Edit from the row menu, I can see all content in the underlying row, even the columns not shown on the Report. When I do the same from the Smartsheet App on a tablet/smartphone, I only see the columns that are in the Report. I would prefer the same behavior from my browser desktop version (only…
Enhancement Request: Optional Button on Update Request
Request: Allow us to have the option to not include a open update form button on update requests. Reason: I send scheduled update requests to inform users of progress that is not dependent upon changes in the row, as well as ones that remind people to do tasks. Right now I lock all of the included rows in the update…
Excel Dashboard Templates
Is there any way to upload an Excel dashboard into Smartsheets so that it is converted to a Smartsheets dashboard? My boss is interested in using the Excel templates but annoyed that there aren't any templates available for Smartsheet dashboards. The beauty of the Smartsheet Dashboards is that external executives can…
Can I partially mirror a sheet?
Hi, I hope someone can help me with this. What I'm trying to do is find a way to automatically share some information from a sheet into another. For instance, I want to have a sheet with all the relevant information for the company's projects, including financial information. Then have another sheet mirror most of it…