create a location updated index from 1-10
I need to create a count of 1-10 that always stays at the top of the column in the correct order even when the sheet is sorted and when web forms are used to input information to the top of the sheet. Sounds simple but I have no clue how to do this without drawing a circular reference and without the ability to reference a…
Automated send format question
Good morning, I'm setting up an automated weekly send for a report. I need send it in the vertical format, as though you are sending a row. As it is, it sends in a PDF which is a linear format, and not user friendly for our purposes. Is it either a: Possible to send a vertical format on an automated/recurring basis or b:…
Show who modified the value in a specified column
Background We create and approve purchase orders via Smartsheet. On receipt of the invoice to the accounts team the named approver (Contact List column) for the PO is sent an update request with the attached invoice and the field "invoice approved". They review and check the box, submitting the update. There are 12 invoice…
WBS or PBS in Smartsheet
Has there been any further discussion on implementing this? If I create the hierarchy in a sheet, when i switch to card view, it is not giving me the view of all the "cards" that report to each parent; rather it is sorting by status or assigned to. Any suggestions on how I can work around the system and implement something…
Column Copying
Hi, I have a need to add columns to all of my active project Smartsheets and then I need to create a webform on each of these sheets. Based on other posts I've seen, I cannot copy these columns from one Smartsheet to another so I need to manually add them, correct? Also, there is no way I can copy a webform from one sheet…
Enhancement Request: Show and allow edit of Working Days when Dependencies are disabled
When working days are set (either by SysAdmin for new sheets or directly in the sheet) and Dependencies are disabled, the dialog implies they do not impact the sheet. But they do. I posted about this today: http://ronin-global.com/2017/06/23/smartsheet-using-working-days-without-dependencies/ Since they impact the sheet,…
Enhancement Request: Provide Highlight for differences using Data Validation
When setting data validation on a column (ie Dropdown type), a warning is provided to warn user there are differences. As an Admin, user can allow these. Provide some means to flag these differences. Moving to a validated column with 25 choices there may be dozens on typos or more in the old data. An easy way to find them…
Comments on 2017-06-20 release
https://www.smartsheet.com/release-notes (2) In-Line Formula help Please allow means to turn off the feature (not turn it off after it shows up). If I realized it was always on when I was testing it, I would have said something then. I don't need to see it every time, so default to collapsed is preferred. I often need to…
Enhancement Request: Show Activity Log from Home view
Allow the Activity Log to be shown from the Home view using the Actions drop down. See attached. This request has also be posted to the Form Craig
Change branding logo interaction
Currently, clicking on the branding logo (now in the upper left) opens the Home tab view in the same location as last visited. This is duplication of the functionality when clicking the Home tab directly below the logo. Two suggested alternatives: 1. Open the location (Workspace or Sheets) for the active Sheet or Report.…