Can hidden field on web form designate parent-child row status automatically?
Our Smartsheet has a client name column along with a designator column that indicates what type of work we are doing (M, S, or C). We have a web form set up for each (M, S, or C) using the hidden field so that when an "M" form is submitted, conditional formatting tells it to bold and back fill the row. Is it possible to…
Requesting scheduling for events that show up in calendar view
I'm using Smartsheet to request things through different processes in our organization, but one request process that is giving me headaches is requesting after hours air conditioning. We use building automation to control when air conditioning runs, and people have to request A/C if they are using a facility when the A/C…
Auto populate from one sheet into blank rows on another
Hi All! I searched for this, but couldn't find an answer. Maybe it doesn't exist! I'm trying to set up a new dashboard for sales reps. In one sheet I will have them fill out all of their activities. I was TRYING to get them to fill out all information on one sheet to keep things simple for them. Is there a way for me to…
Feedback Submitter Count
I have created a Feedback intake form and a Dashboard. In the Dashboard I would like to chart total count of submissions by each submitter name. I do not have a list of those who will submit but I know they will submit multiple entries. So I want to be able to count each of their respective entries. Lets say John submits…
Update Schedule on Mobile.
I am new to the forum, so if I am not searching correct terms please let me know. And if there is already a thread on this directing me to it would be very helpful. I was wondering if there is any way that I can actually update a schedule (finish dates), on a mobile device while I am walking a site? I have both Android…
Stripe Checkout Integration with Smartsheet Form
I have a smartsheet form collecting data for people participating in a conference. I wish to integrate it with Stripe Checkout, so that once submitted, depending on what was checked in one particular box, the Stripe Checkout payment box kicks in and takes over for ticket payment. Can this be done on smartsheet and how to?
Forcing a text field if a checkbox is checked (inside a form)?
I don't think this is possible yet but I'll at least ask. I have a change request form generated, if the reason for creating the form is due to a non-conformance i want to REQUIRE the requester to add a NCR# inside the form functionality not on the spreadsheet. Basically it would work as follows. Is this request due to an…
Submitting a row to two sheets broken by SDK updates
We have a form on our site that adds a row to two sheets in Smartsheet. This broke in June at which time the form added a row to the first sheet, but failed in the API call to Smartsheet in adding a row to the second sheet. Example Code that submitted to the first sheet (this was not affected): protected void…
Formula and RYG balls
HELP!!!!!! How do i create a formula to use RYG balls in the status column with % Complete column no matter how many videos and threads i look through!! I have a status column I also have a % Complete column I want to use balls to show how complete a project currently is i want Red balls to show projects that are less than…
Date fields in forms
I have a form for users to submit data. One of those fields is the date that they would like the work to occur. In the form, there used to be a little calendar that the user could click on to select a date. That forced the correct date format for the field. Now our form has changed so that the date field is now a free text…