Gantt Chart Settings Not Applying
Hi! I am trying to create a dashboard that has multiple gantt charts. I want the gantt chart to display from the current date, which is already an existing setting. I've checked the box on both my workspace, and the reports I am using on my dashboard, and for some reason the current date does not display. Has anyone run…
Status symbols that are color-blind friendly
Hello! I'm using the Red, Yellow, Green, and Gray status icons in a report that I present during my weekly manager meeting. Unfortunately, our CEO is color blind and has trouble seeing the colors. Would it be possible to add additional status icons such as these but with different shapes, such as circle, square, triangle,…
Editing rows from Calendar or Gantt view of report not working
When I attempt to edit rows by double-clicking a row in Calendar view or Gantt view of a Report, I receive the error-message attached. I have searched the forums and guides, and cannot see anywhere why this should not be possible. It occurs with all my reports in both Gantt view and Calendar view. Re-login does not help.…
Why won't durations parent rows in lower levels of multi-tiered hierarchy on project schedule roll u
I have a project schedule with multiple levels of parent rows. In the Duration column, the 2nd and 3rd tiers of parent rows do not subtotal the children underneath them. Is there some other setting or consideration for getting this to roll up properly? Will Smartsheet allow a 2nd or 3rd tier parent row to subtotal the…
Is there a way to collapse the rows in a Gantt chart?
I'm trying to take a spreadsheet and present it in a way that has one row for each category of item, and then multiple cells across that row to represent the emails sent in that category. This is a calendar of sorts. Each category would be associated with a color. (That's the part I have figured out.) I saw Smartsheet's…
Start & Finish dates based on separate predecessors / or formula in duration
I am trying to automate my schedule for a project as much as possible. I have a line for production start that is based on my current ship date but I have 9 shipments after that and would like to have the actual production line have a start day based on the production start line and the finish date be the last ship date.…
Use a SS and a FF Dependency on one work item
Hi - i have weekly meetings scheduled for the duration of a ~2 yr project and I'd like to use a SS dependency from the kickoff and a FF dependency from the last work item to set the duration of the weekly meetings, is this possible?
Remove Gant view from Dashboard report
Hello, I added a date column to my report to show the actual date in the Dashboard but for whatever reason, the Dashboard wants to display the Gant view only for the date column. Can I turn the Gant view off so it only shows the actual date like it displays in the report??
SUMIF Formula returning incorrect number
Hello! Smartsheet newbie here:) I was trying to use a simple SUMIF formula to calculate the total number of days for a specific field. For example: I want to add all the days or duration for all projects that were labeled as "Conversion" together to calculate the total number of days spent on all conversions. However, from…
Changing actual start date - Predecessors delete
Hi, I wonder if someone can assist me. I am running schedules for construction projects with predecessors (Finish-Start relationships) set up. If myself/or another employee change the actual start date of a line item then it deletes the predecessors. I know that to avoid that from happening - You must either change the…