Create Report that Queries Every Schedule
Is it possible to create a report that queries every schedule, even the schedules that I do not have sharing privileges? I thought I could possibly do this through the SysAdmin account, or use the SysAdmin account to add myself to view all schedules. I am trying to create a report that lists all schedule entries labeled…
gantt chart labels
Is it possible to assign multiple columns in gantt so I can have both the task and person assigned viewable?
Importing MS Project plans - tasks in wrong order
Hi, I'm new to Smartsheet and just tried to import an MS Project plan. When viewing it I see that some of the tasks are not ordered correctly from the original plan, anyone else experience this or is this a known problem? Thanks Gary
Date Columns - Formats
I fear that I will be out-of-luck here, but we'll give it a try. We're using SmartSheet to layout a timetable for a tricky real estate development project...fairly straightforward stuff. However our cap-x committee has asked to see the chart laid out with days (1,2,3...600,601, etc.) instead of calendar headings. I've…
How to make Task name visable in gantt chart?
Hello, The problem is that I dont see Task names in the ghant chart near to the task time. I have made two projects without using the template and i didn't have this problem. Now I used project template and this problem occured. Should I remake project or is there a way to make those task names visable in the chart?
Count down in days formula
I need help finding the right formula. I have basic Gantt with four phases, each phase has tasks associated with it as well as durations. I've set a "start date" column and by using durations for each task and predecessors I then have the calculated "finish date" column for each tasks and each phase. I need to create a…
'Conditional'/Multiple Predecessors
Is it possible for start date of a task to be based on dates tied to one of two other tasks? E.g. Task 2 must start not more that 10 days from completion of Task 1. Under normal circumstances, this allows task 2 to start not more than 10 days from start date of task 3. If start date of task 3 must be accelerated, however,…
Contingency duration based on predecessors
I was wondering if it is possible to create a task whose duration is determined by two predecessors, one from backward planning and one from forward constraints. I would like to use this, among others, to show dynamic contingency periods in my project. Let's take the simplest example, a project with the following three…
Split Screen for scrolling on Reports used in Dashboards
It would be helpful if you could scroll through the Gantt view of a report, separately from the Task view, when looking at a report that is embedded within a Dashboard. Today, there is only a single horizontal scrollbar and you can quickly lose sight of the associated tasks as you scroll to the right to see everything in…
Use formulas in percent complete column with dependencies enabled
I have a formula in my percent complete column, but when I enable dependencies (in my predecessor column and duration column) the formula gets wiped, leaving only the value behind. Is there a way to keep the formula when enabling dependencies or is this just a limitation of smartsheet?