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Count down in days formula

Eric Tinney
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I need help finding the right formula. I have basic Gantt with four phases, each phase has tasks associated with it as well as durations. I've set a "start date" column and by using durations for each task and predecessors I then have the calculated "finish date" column for each tasks and each phase.


I need to create a third date column and set it up as a count down in days. So at any point if a team member looks at the gantt they'll know that there are "X" amount of days left in the phase or overall project. 


I created a 'Days Remaining" column and in the top cell not included in a phase or task Iinserted the formula for todays dated =TODAY(). After this I'm lost.

Smartsheet Date.PNG


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