Report Grouping Work Around
I have a list of SOPs and their supporting documents (Forms, Logs etc). As you can see in the Excel example, we have the SOPs in Green and the supported docs below. Some, like the SOP Training/Retraining Record, are used for multiple SOPs. I tried: Using Gantt functions, added a Predecessor Column but I couldn't run a…
Report / Dashboard - Grouping option not working
I added a grouping in a report to organize the display in a dashboard. I want to group the report by type of project and for each type of project sort by go live date. When I am in the report, the grouping works. However when I pull the report in a dashboard, the grouping is not taken into account, only the sort by go live…
How to Group data in a Report by Year
Hello, I have exact finish date for each project in the roadmap. But I would like to create a report that can group these projects together by year only, not by specific date, how can I do that?
REPORT: Grouping problems
Since the last update of the platform the grouping feature seems not working properly in some sheets. It says as attached that means "To see lines in every group change the filter criteria to reduce lines from 72" I do not understand what do I have to change...
Text wrap in grouped report fields
Hello! First of all, I want to say that I love the new grouping function in the report builder. It's a game changer. I'm having trouble, though. In one report, the fields I'm grouping on are text fields, and they can get quite long. The underlying sheet has text wrap on for those fields, but that formatting does not carry…
Creating a new Group
Good Morning, I use groups to give staff access to the different sheets that I build, it makes giving large numbers of staff access to a sheet very easy. But...today I tried to create a group the way I have in the past, "Group Management" | Create Group | ... I name it, then add staff and I'm good to go. Except for…
Group Management: Download list of group members
Hi! I am a sys admin and manage groups for our account. I have to do an audit/update of a large Group in Group Management. I received a new csv master list of the group of members, including all who are already in the group, and those new members who will need to be added to the group. I think I have to compare who is in…
Date Grouping for Gantt Dashboard
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to automate a sheet into a Gantt Dashboard, however I am having issues finding a work around to show the child and parent dates, as all the information is stored in one row, rather than 3 rows for example. Sample Column Names: Project Name, Task 1 Start Date, Task 1 End Date, Task 2 Start Date, Task…
Volunteer Allocation
Hi All, I am attempting to find a solution for a specific manual task that is error prone and very time intensive - We need about 300 volunteers occasionally on short notice and need them across multiple cities in 20-50 specific locations (we do not know these specific locations until last minute). I have built a survey…
Group Management doesn't pull from My Smartsheet Contacts anymore
I am using the new (preview) Smartsheet Admin Center "Group Managment" interface. In the old version when I wanted to add someone to a group, the "Add Member" picker would allow me to add users from our account and from My Smartsheet Contacts. It no longer does that and the picker only looks for potential new members from…