Resource Management API - Users
Hi Every one, I am wondering if anyone faced this issue before. I am trying to make an API call using the users API as following. The issue that I don't get tags in the response as mentioned in the API documentation: I get ''tags' in the response only when I pass it as a sting as following: Below is a sample response after…
Connect to Smartsheet EU region in Microsoft Power BI & Power Automate
For companies using Smartsheet data hosting in EU data center (smartsheet.eu) it should be possible to connect to Microsoft Power BI and Microsoft Power Automate. Unfortunately, as of now it’s not possible to connect to Smartsheet EU region.
Excel VBA Examples
Does anyone have any examples of using Excel VBA to run api commands? I had some routines that used CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") with 1.1 but these don't work anymore, I get error occurred in the secure channel support. I am trying to update smartsheet rows from macros within excel and word which are used to…
Accessibility / Compatibility with Screen Reader
As we deploy Smartsheet across our department, employees who use screen readers are experiencing compatibility issues. I read the article regarding iOS voiceover and the 2016 community discussion on this same topic. My support ticket suggested that I reach out to this community. Any other ways to make Smartsheet more…
Dashboard menu dropdown for navigation to other dashboards
I've seen lots of discussions on using dropdowns on a dashboard for interactive reports, etc. I have a slightly different question. I am starting to collect several dashboards, typically grouped by some category: Manager views (financial, workload, etc) Staff views (assigned tasks, vacation requests, other resources)…
Auto populating Rows based on the number in the Qty box
Hi. Is it possible to auto populate rows based on the number I have in my QTY cell? I want when I enter a 3 in the QTY cell it automatically copies and adds those three lines. I need each of the in this case branding # to have their own lines and I do not want to have to put in all this data. Sometimes we have up to 100 or…
Digitally Stamping an Attachment
I am looking to see if anyone has come up with a creative way to digitally stamp an attachment without having to download, open, stamp, save, and upload said attachment. We have an approval process that goes through multiple steps and the final step is a stamp. This is a timely process and I am looking for suggestions that…
Merged: Calendar App - Microsoft Integration
This discussion has been merged.
Adobe Document Signatures
Is Adobe available to integrate with Smartsheet for the purpose of document signatures? Current workflow: Form submitter uploads a document to be signed by 3 individuals Tier 1 - download, sign, save, upload Tier 2 - download, sign, save, upload Tier 3, download, sign, save, upload, route back to submitter This is a lot of…