Use-Case: Team Collaboration using "Permissioned Custom Views"
Team Collaboration: "Permissioned Custom Views" Use-Case? * Use Case: * 1. I am running a User Acceptance Test project. I need to store all Test Cases/Test Case Information in a 'Master Sheet' that is permissioned at a 'Project Administrator' level. At the "Administrator Level" all test case records would be created and…
Viewing other users on your account.
My manager and I are admin users on our account and add people to Smartsheet. The other day she was searching for someone I had added but couldnt find them. I then searched for the person and found them straight away. Why can I only find users I have added and she can only find the users she has added? Thanks
Can you reduce the depth of a row so only the 1st or 2nd rows of cell content are on view
Roll-up metrics for an Insight - Help needed
I am creating a dashboard for all my development work. My tasks sheet is pretty standard with Assigned to, Status, Phase, Effort The metrics I am looking to display are: * - Total number of days (Effort) per developer * - Total number of tasks in a given Status (but exclude some rows in given phase) * - Total number of…
No API access to Gantt Fields?
I see in the API documentation that the programatic access of row data in columns of type Predecessor, Duration, etc. is not supported. I'm doing what I've seen many others on this forum try to do; I'm merging several interdependent sheets into one "master" sheet. It need only be a snapshot of the others and needn't…
Sharing and Limiting Report Information
Scenerio - I have a MASTER sheet that I am using to communicate with different contractors via individualized reports. The contractors are required to make updates to several fields. Once I assign a line or job to a contractor - it shows up on their individual report. Each line/job has contract specific details in the form…
Autonumber refresh for new year
I use a formatted autonumber column to record a new Reference Number for each new entry in a Smartsheet. The format I use is CR{YY}.000 where 000 started from 001 for the year 2016. I want to continue this format into 2017, but I want the 000 to restart from 001. Any thoughts ? My list of rows should end up like : CR16.001…
Month Count/Summary as Integer
I have looked for examples but can not find - apologies for basic formula question. From a date field i would like a formula that will take the month and total/count by month: Eg: Month 1 - Total 15 Month 2 - Total 9 to Month 12 - Total 0 Can anyone help? many thanks Chris
Filtering Calendar View
Is there a way to filter the calendar view to show more information (from other columns) rather than just the primary column information?
gant bar color
Hello, I am desperately looking how I can change the color of a gantt bar. Right clicking on it .. only shows me "edit" option .. but not "color" option. conditional formating : If I select to apply a color to the whole line .. then it allows me to indicate also the gantt bar color .. . If I select eg red .. it doesn't…