Automatic Staff Details
Hi All Is it possible to have detials auomatically filled in for a person. Eample i select person x from a drop down list to work on a course, the spreadhseet then gets the phone number and email adress of person x from a sperate spreadhseet and auto fills it. Thnaks in advacne for your help. Matt
Communicating "definitions or conventions" SmartSheet
All, I am new to SS. As I post a roadmap in SS I would like to communicate "definitions" in help text or somehow to the viewers of the SS. For example, I will have color flags to provide project status in terms of scope, schedule, cost, etc. How can I help the viewer understand my definitions for green, yellow, red?…
Column Dependencies/Conditional Formatting
Is there a way to have one column populate data based on information put in a second column? For example, I have 2 columns "% Complete" and "Task Status" I would like that if the % Complete is at o% the Task Status would auto-populate to say "Not Started". And if the % Complete is 100% the Task Status would automatically…
I have a sheet that I've already created and I only need non-smartsheet users to fill out the address column. Can I make my current sheet a webform and require them to enter data into an existing cell by selecting their names?
Exporting to DOMO - columns being read as Text not Number
I currently have smartsheet connector to DOMO to create reports; however, the columns that contain financial data come over as text because smartsheet's column properties are Text/Number. Not Text, Number separately. Anyone know how to make this work? or a workarond? Thanks
Alert User in Row if Date has Past Due and not Complete
I would like to send an alert to the person "assinged" to the appropriate row the day after a "Due Date" IF a "Status" column has/doesn't have a value(s). For example, "Send 'Assigned To' and email reminder 1 day after 'Due Date' IF 'Status' does not equal 'Completed; Canceled.'" I want to target these communications to…
If N/A checkbox is marked note % complete as 100%?
I have a "Not Applicable" and a "% Complete" column. I would like to create a formula that will automatically set the % complete to 100% if the Not Applicable checkbox is marked. Any suggestions? Thank you!
What formula to add to a "Days Remaining" field to pull from a date box
Hello, I am trying to create a formula for a column that will determine the number of days remaining from an expiration date. Furthermore, if possible, I would like a status indicator (green, yellow or red button) to remain statically green until the "Days Remaining" field gets down to 30 days remaining. At this point, I'm…
PMO Template Sharing
Hello all, We have been using SmartSheet mostly for data tracking on requests and proposals. However, our current project management system falls well short of our needs. I am in the process of setting up a Project Management workspace that will include the templates for the various documents needed for the project…
text only column
I want to use a web form to populate Smartsheet. I have a field called "Section Number" that requires a text value. It is a 3 character field that will contain numerical characters like "001" or "020". I want that to be displayed as a text value in the Smartsheet cell. How to I accomplish that?