Multiple forms with unique dropdowns
Hello, I currently have a smart-sheet that gathers data from multiple vendors (each vendor has a form). One of the columns is an ID which would be entered through a drop-down. The functionality we are looking for is to have unique drop-downs for every form. Would this be possible? When I plug in the values for the…
Automated emails
Hi, Is it possible to change the "from" address when sending automated alerts/update requests? Or is it always the default SmartSheet address? Thanks
Conditional links on forms
Hi, New to Smartsheet, is it possible to link fields on a form based on conditions i.e: - If user selects 'Production' from the field 'Employment Department' then mandatory that must select a 'Production Shift' (i.e. one of following Green,Purple,Red,Blue,Yellow) - Else if 'Employment Department' ≠ 'Production' then…
CountIF with Criteria including date range
Hello, I'm currently trying to create a countifs formula to count the number of "issue type"(column) "story" where it meets certain criteria including falling within the next 30 days. My base formula works here: =COUNTIFS([Issue Type]:[Issue Type], "Story", Labels:Labels, "Groomed", Status:Status, "To Do") However, when I…
Managing Testing with Automation Waterfall Notification and Showing Status with RYGB Balls
I have spent some time looking for solutions to my specific need but have been unsuccessful to find anything that fits right, although there were lots of good suggestions that I tried (and couldn't make it work). We are migrating servers from one location to another and we have multiple IT groups that need to test the…
How can I automate a subtraction
Hey, How can I subtract a number from the total each time a row is added. I have an Inventory sheet that linked to another sheet. for example, in the picture below; how do I subtract a Number of Machine each time a row is added? Thanks in advance.
How to build bar graph of submissions by user
We are using Smartsheet to build a Change Management process for our IT department. The way it currently works is we have a form that users fill out containing all the details of their change request, which are recording to a spreadsheet. I'm building a metrics dashboard for this, and am trying to determine a way to build…
OR function Not Working with Multiple Logical Expressions
Hello, I have the following formula: =IF(OR(Status4 <> "Complete", Status4 <> "Sent/Complete"), "not complete", "Complete") which always returns "not complete", i.e. true. However, modifying the expression so that only 1 logical expression is present, the expression works correctly, showing the true and false outcomes as…
Access Security for Forms
Does anyone know if there's a way to limit form access to a specific person or group of people. Or, is there something in the works at Smartsheet to address this? Looks like there is currently two options. * Anyone * Anyone with a Smartsheet login I use Smartsheet forms to submit project tasks (not too confidential) and…
Nested IF with Children
Greetings, I'm attempting to configure an Epic (parent) field to automatically change based on the statuses of the child fields. For example, the criteria I'm attempting to meet is: If all child status fields are in "To Do" then parent field status is "To Do" else "In Progress" If all child status fields are in "Done" Then…