7 AM shift start and Lunch time
Currently Smartsheet Project uses a default 8 AM time as the start date for each day in a project schedule. Is there a way to change that to 7 AM? I am stuck in creating a formula for that. Also, is there a way to take out the one hour lunch that is automatically calculated in a schedule?
How can i calculate the % Complete at a sub-parent level based on multiple criteria?
Hello and thanks in advance for any assistance. I have spent a ton of time attempting to solve and am tossing up the flag. I have a sheet that needs minimal column formulas due to the line/cell count potentially hitting the base reference limits. I have an overall % complete being calculated on the sheet itself already.…
Auto allocate % of project to tasks and auto calculate project completion
Hi all Getting to grips with smartsheets and had a question. Is it possible to auto calculate the % each task and sub task counts towards a project and also calculate how much % the project is complete based on completed tasks (hope that makes sense!) For example. I have a project with 5 workstreams and each workstream as…
Is there a way to create a search box?
We are wondering if anyone knows how to build a public facing sheet that has a search box where customers could type in a word or two and then have it return any hits. The data that would be searched could be linked to another sheet and that file would not need to be viewable on the public one. Is this possible?
More options for Time entry locking in Resource Management
Currently there 3 Time Entry locking possibilities in Resource Management to choose from: 1. Do not lock time for a project 2. Lock all time entries for a project 3. Lock time entries for this project that are older than xx number of calendar days. Idea: enhance the Time Entry locking states by introducing additional…
Greetings from New Jersey!
Hi Smartsheeters, I am fairly new to Smartsheet. I've been using it since November 2023. Just earned my Core App certification. I'm hoping to increase use of Smartsheet at my company and find ways to automate processes and integrate data from other systems. On the weekends I'm busy doing pottery and riding my ebike.
Column Formula Alternative?
I have people entering information into a sample request sheet using form that allows the user to select multiple types of tests they would like to have run. The form populates "Sheet 1" and I'm using automations to create multiple lines on the destination "Sheet 2" using this solution: In the Source Sheet: Count of Rows:…
PICK CHART to determine Project viability
Hello, We are starting to use Pick charts to determine project feasibility and impact so that we only work on the most important things. It would be really great if a template set was set up with a project plan template like Template Set - Project Management Office where the template set would have a project submission…
Work around for Data Shuttle not recognizing identical data
Hello! This is pretty hard to explain but I am hoping someone can help me with this dilemma: I am using Smartsheet to build a tracking system that monitors where field project workers are showing up on a weekly basis. I get the job addresses as a spreadsheet from another department. Since I am working with hundreds of…
Project Settings Options Not Providing Every Column as Option for % Complete Column
We have a Project Plan with dependencies anables and parent/child relationships across the plan. I want to show the % complete visually in the Gantt section where the thinner % complete ribbon overlays the task ribbon based on it's percent complete. However, when I go into Project Settings>Options>% Complete column, it…